Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Fun and Games - Wisdom Teeth - Reply to topic
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Location: The Netherlands
Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:37 am Reply with quote
Ok who's got any experience with pulling wisdom teeth (can't believe they're actually called like that), not pulling yourself but getting them pulled!  Since 2 days I've got terrible pain on my 2 below wisdom teeth, my tongue is swollen wich makes it hard to answer the phone at work!
So...a visit to the dentist it is I guess, any nice stories??? 
Location: Australia
Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:49 am Reply with quote
Had mine done a few years ago, knocked me out, I woke up they gave me drugs, I had fun in lalaland, I woke up they gave me more drugs...went home a day later had a little pain but they gave me good drugs for all in all not a bad experience, just as long as they give a lots a drugs I guess
Location: Australia
Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:50 am Reply with quote
Had mine done a few years ago, knocked me out, I woke up they gave me drugs, I had fun in lalaland, I woke up they gave me more drugs...went home a day later had a little pain but they gave me good drugs for all in all not a bad experience, just as long as they give a lots a drugs I guess
Liked it so much I had to repeat the experience twice in this thread
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:51 am Reply with quote
Ahhhh wisdom teeth! I remember them fondly... NOT! I had two were impacted and two were through already and pushing my molars forward. The two that were through were on either side of my mouth, and they took turns tormenting me. One day, the right side would be so painful, I'd have to eat everything in little bites on the left side, then the next day it would be lefts turn for pain... so after about a month of this torture of not being able to eat on one side or the other of my mouth...
My Dentist would do it right then and there with Novocain... but I didn't want a little shop of horrors type episode. AND even though the two that were impacted were not hurting and the Dentist said they didn't need to come out yet, I wanted all four pulled in the same day. I didn't want to go through this sort of pain ever again!
He recommended me to a oral surgeon. I get there, they gassed me up, (which I highly recommend) and I woke up with gauze in my mouth and felt like I had drunk a case of beer & a fifth of Jack Daniels all while riding on a tilt-a-whirl. No pain, but then again, I never felt so drunk in my life...
I remember them pointing me to the waiting room (which turned into the never ending hallway) where my mom and my (then) girlfriend (now wife) dragged me to the car like I was a POW. I then got major motion sickness in my moms car, thankfully the dentist gave me a bag Laughing
I got lots of codeine (for the apparent pain I was supposed to feel), and about a week later I was back to normal... The pain of them being pulled out was a cake walk compared to the pain of them being in my mouth.
Go get them pulled by an Oran Surgeon while being put under. The insurance will pick up most, if not all of the tab. You get good drugs, and you benefit by not having to watch some guy leaning on your chest with a pair of pliers in your mouth. Or in the case of my two impacted teeth, (I later found out) they had to break them up into little bits and pull them out like shards of glass 
Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:56 am Reply with quote
DaVinci wrote: Ok who's got any experience with pulling wisdom teeth (can't believe they're actually called like that), not pulling yourself but getting them pulled!  Since 2 days I've got terrible pain on my 2 below wisdom teeth, my tongue is swollen wich makes it hard to answer the phone at work!
So...a visit to the dentist it is I guess, any nice stories???  ligt er aan als de wortels mooi recht staan , fluitje van een cent, niet te lang wachten anders kunnen ze niet verdoven door mogelijke ontsteking en dan zit je eerst een week aan de antibiotica
Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:52 pm Reply with quote
Had mine done a few years ago, knocked me out, I woke up they gave me drugs, I had fun in lalaland, I woke up they gave me more drugs...went home same day...later had a little pain but they gave me good drugs for that and I ate them all...
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:16 pm Reply with quote
I had four deeply impacted one that needed surgery to be removed. The drugs were good, I never had any pain.
Face this issue without fear. 
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: Northern NY
Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:23 pm Reply with quote
Face this issue without fear.  ..... but not without drugs 
_________________ Not All Who Sing "The Wanderer" Are Dion
The Closer you get to Canada the more things there are that wanna eat your horse.
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:14 pm Reply with quote
gravyboat wrote: Face this issue without fear.  ..... but not without drugs 
Location: The Netherlands
Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:17 pm Reply with quote
Ok I asked for "nice" stories, not scary shit!  ...but thanks for sharing people, I think I will make an appointment tommorow! I learned one thing, I need drugs...but hey, I'm in the right country! 
Location: The Netherlands
Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:18 pm Reply with quote
candron wrote: DaVinci wrote: Ok who's got any experience with pulling wisdom teeth (can't believe they're actually called like that), not pulling yourself but getting them pulled!  Since 2 days I've got terrible pain on my 2 below wisdom teeth, my tongue is swollen wich makes it hard to answer the phone at work!
So...a visit to the dentist it is I guess, any nice stories???  ligt er aan als de wortels mooi recht staan , fluitje van een cent, niet te lang wachten anders kunnen ze niet verdoven door mogelijke ontsteking en dan zit je eerst een week aan de antibiotica
Thanks voor de tip! Ik zal er snel bij zijn want ik denk dat het begint te ontsteken, yikes!
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:19 pm Reply with quote
DaVinci wrote: Ok I asked for "nice" stories, not scary shit!
 Nice stories and wisdom teeth do not go hand and hand
WHAT?! Were you expecting the tooth fairy?

Location: The Netherlands
Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:20 pm Reply with quote
TheShaman wrote: Ahhhh wisdom teeth! I remember them fondly... NOT! I had two were impacted and two were through already and pushing my molars forward. The two that were through were on either side of my mouth, and they took turns tormenting me. One day, the right side would be so painful, I'd have to eat everything in little bites on the left side, then the next day it would be lefts turn for pain... so after about a month of this torture of not being able to eat on one side or the other of my mouth...
My Dentist would do it right then and there with Novocain... but I didn't want a little shop of horrors type episode. AND even though the two that were impacted were not hurting and the Dentist said they didn't need to come out yet, I wanted all four pulled in the same day. I didn't want to go through this sort of pain ever again!
He recommended me to a oral surgeon. I get there, they gassed me up, (which I highly recommend) and I woke up with gauze in my mouth and felt like I had drunk a case of beer & a fifth of Jack Daniels all while riding on a tilt-a-whirl. No pain, but then again, I never felt so drunk in my life...
I remember them pointing me to the waiting room (which turned into the never ending hallway) where my mom and my (then) girlfriend (now wife) dragged me to the car like I was a POW. I then got major motion sickness in my moms car, thankfully the dentist gave me a bag Laughing
I got lots of codeine (for the apparent pain I was supposed to feel), and about a week later I was back to normal... The pain of them being pulled out was a cake walk compared to the pain of them being in my mouth.
Go get them pulled by an Oran Surgeon while being put under. The insurance will pick up most, if not all of the tab. You get good drugs, and you benefit by not having to watch some guy leaning on your chest with a pair of pliers in your mouth. Or in the case of my two impacted teeth, (I later found out) they had to break them up into little bits and pull them out like shards of glass 
Thanks for sharing Sean, now I feel much better...NOT! 
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