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Location: Michigan
Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:05 pm Reply with quote
I know this may be a foolish question and may catch a laugh or two but,
Although graphic design is not something I am looking to do for a living, it really is a hobby that I purely enjoy. I see some of the art that is made on this site and I am totally blown away. I do consider all of this art, and it's been an honor to be able to see and share it with everyone.
Now to my point, I need help learning. I think I have come a fairly long way in the "whole month" I have had PS and have learned alot....but I want to get better and excel. As always, I continue to work on tutorials and freelance alot to learn, but what I am asking is if there is anyone out there who would like to "take me under their wing" per say. Someone who can not only be very critical on the small things, but explain to me why, and how.
This may be alot to ask, if it appologies.
I have just learned in life...."If you wanna be the best, you have to learn from the best.
Location: Oregon
Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:26 pm Reply with quote
_________________ Due to the shape of the North American Elk's esophagus,
even if it could speak, it could not pronounce the word lasagna.
- Cliff Clavin
Location: Utah, USA
Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:33 pm Reply with quote
Tad wrote: I know this may be a foolish question and may catch a laugh or two but,
Although graphic design is not something I am looking to do for a living, it really is a hobby that I purely enjoy. I see some of the art that is made on this site and I am totally blown away. I do consider all of this art, and it's been an honor to be able to see and share it with everyone.
Now to my point, I need help learning. I think I have come a fairly long way in the "whole month" I have had PS and have learned alot....but I want to get better and excel. As always, I continue to work on tutorials and freelance alot to learn, but what I am asking is if there is anyone out there who would like to "take me under their wing" per say. Someone who can not only be very critical on the small things, but explain to me why, and how.
This may be alot to ask, if it appologies.
I have just learned in life...."If you wanna be the best, you have to learn from the best.
Hey Tad,
I've only been here since June of last year and found that you will learn more from all the cool people here at PSC then just one or two people. There is more talent here then you'll ever know.
Long story short..... If you need help doing something, just ask. If you have a good idea, post it like this thread. YOU WILL LEARN all kinds of great stuff here. I'll promise you that. Just do what you do and have fun!
Get advantage for 3 months and dive in.
"They paid me to say that". Hahahaha
Cheers and good luck! 
Location: Utah, USA
Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:38 pm Reply with quote
candron wrote: ask marco he is free 
Hummmm.......... marco????
Doesn't ring a bell.
Is he the dude with the funny hat?

Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:54 pm Reply with quote
Looking at your portfolio I've noticed a few things, it looks like you've tried to force layers into your image that don't quite fit, the most obvious being the flat people in the bleachers of the race track chop, take your time and find the right picture to chop from, think about lighting, shadows, etc. try not to use the basic filters that PS gives you, or if you do, be subtle with them, filters don't go over to well here unless they are used properly, don't be afraid to ask someone for their opinion after a contest is over if you feel it didn't do as well as you hoped, otherwise you'll be accused of vote whoring if you start a thread about an image in an ongoing contest, making an alias is also a no no, it pisses people off @ here cuz it's kind of easy to figure out  I've also noticed that you have a few solid chops as well, you should do alright here, good luck and welcome to PSC 
Location: Michigan
Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:05 pm Reply with quote
TYVM all for the quick responses. I will contnue tuts as always. And maybedrop a PM or 2 
Location: On the way to Utopia!
Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:13 pm Reply with quote
DON'T drop pm's!!!
We wanna know everything, so make a topic!
Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box
Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:40 pm Reply with quote
welcom to psc  this is a nice heart felt thread you started. like the others have said above you can learn from just about every one here. don't be afraid to ask questions and you can always feel free to drop me a PM if i can't answer your question i'll try my best to point you in the direction of someone that can take care
PSC is like a gang... i got beat in... if i leave... they'll beat me off!!!
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:35 pm Reply with quote
Don't you DARE stroke Splodge's Toot!!
MY toot is MUCH more strokeable!
BUt....... I've said TOO much!!
(go check out the tutorials page before something NASTY happens on this thread!)
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Hotel California
Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:31 am Reply with quote
Stroke their toots? What's PSC coming to?
... otherwise welcome tad
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