Claf wrote:
Hey! Thanks Paul for all those links... always good to hear something new here... thanks about Broken Social Scene... I didn't know their music, I bought "You Forgot It In People". Great album!
I found few good CDs in 2008.
Bon Iver.
The name, Bon Iver, is an Anglicization of the French "bon hiver" (good winter). The album (For Emma, Forever Ago) was recorded while spending three months in a remote cabin in Wisconsin.
The Heavy. Some great soul-funk.

The Heavy reminds me of "TV on the Radio" Damn good stuff
I picked up Broken Social Scene's "Feel Good Lost" (older 2001 CD) and it's a masterpiece, as a matter of fact, I'm playing it now...
This Bon Iver CD is great too
This is a new post of Bon Iver
A good version of "Skinny Love" on Letterman
"Blood Bank" is his latest, I need to pick it up.
My sister gave me this LP back in 1978, I remember taking it outside and throwing it like a frisbee, it went really far
I did like "Whip It" though
WOW! Were talking about music again!