Welcome home, Jack. That's how you'll find PSC. Home. No matter where you are or what Life throws at you, you'll have a place here. And it'll keep getting more and more comfortable, like a favorite old easy chair your spouse keeps wanting to toss by the side of the road.

You might even learn to type and chop with one hand while you take a turn holding and feeding the baby with your other hand. (Invest in a silicone keyboard cover now.)
My condolences for the loss of your father. And congratulations for your expected child! It never rains but it pours, and I sympathize. I've lost both of my parents, and my first child is now 6 1/2 months old and cooing happily in my lap as I type. I could wax philosophic for pages and pages. But suffice it to say, once you are holding your new baby, and get that first early smile up at you --and you'll swear it is a smile and not just gas-- and get those impossibly tiny fingers to grasp the tip of your finger, you won't want to be anywhere else but that very spot at that very moment. Then you'll log on to PSC to tell us all about it. And several people will say "aww, that's nice" and you'll get another baby story or two, and finally someone will tell you to STFUAC (Shut...Up And Chop)
Yep. Welcome home.