Just got the time to watch the videos :
@ AJETSKI...i mean Sjitske

.....I'm glad that did not come from just some random dude...

I'm not homo-phobic or nuth'in...but that was a lot of man ass for a straight guy.

i now have met my man-ass quota for the year...

Guess now i'll devote that extra time to the "prettiest titty nipples" quota i'm trying for.
I hoping this year i'll get to see the HERSHEY KISSES tits. Those are tit's that when viewed from the side look like "hershey kisses"...minus the tin-foil and flag....

Until i get pics....

cause dam'mit..i gots photoshop.
@ Dp....

...you know me too well. Hell, those boys look-a-lot like kin-folk.

...uncle jeb....is that you ?

....hot damn boy.....Where ya been ?. Still choppin i hope...and doing well. Ron is still talking shit...

he is a hoot...i almost feel sorry for ya. I can tell his english is getting better because now i'm the one with more typos in spelling.

Good to see ya and thanks.
Whimsea..Shaman..and T...

thanks for the e-cards. Shaman....nice touch. I could stand a few days in "the bush" with a spotter like that.
This damn thread made my day....I'm not sure to be happy or sad about that.
This site never stops amazing me. I'm humbled just to be around such great company. Thanks
Now i'm off...it's getting dusk dark and i feel the need for some music, and pool chalk. Just so happens, The bar down the road has both. Plus they have killer hotwings and this brown headed waitress chick...

...maybe she has the HERSHEY ones...
I think i met my emoti-con quota already too.