ReinMan wrote:
C) perhaps we can all chip in and pay Proc a few bucks to compensate him for the LOSS OF INCOME FROM THIS ADVERTISER so that this particular company can be removed from this site.
Yes! I'm in!
ReinMan wrote:
But this situation is THIS WEEKS "insult de jour" and has been an ONGOING insult here at PSC.
You meant "insulte du jour"? That means daily insult. If you want to make it once per week, you better to call it "insulte de la semaine". Or "insulte du mois" for once per month. It can make a nice thread.
ReinMan wrote:
I was just checking with the Peeps to see if I was alone in that insultation.
I'm not insulted... that amuses me!
It's totally in contradiction with... I mean learning is about spending time, hard work, paying attention to details... things like that.
Exactly the opposite that what offers this software.
I downloaded the free trial to see how it works.
First, the word
professional doesn't fit here. This is
And secondly, it takes more about 10-15 minutes than 1 minute to make an amateur work.
But it was funny to try it.
If this famous software was so great, professional photographers were supposed to use it... and I was supposed to loose half of my contracts & probably dying of hunger.