TRUE STORY: I've got a client whose PREVIOUS webmaster used a bunch of images from GettyImages. Said webmaster made some collages and stuff - but he just nicked them from the Getty Thumbnails. My client/friend just trusted the webmaster to supply images. Guess what? Using fairly similar technology as the site above Getty's Search & Destroy robots found the website and then Getty's lawyers got involved. My friend is getting sued for thousands of dollars...
The previous webmaster? He's in Puna, India at an ashram (perhaps praying for his troubled soul!

This is all VERY interesting to me, as I'm so used to just snagging stuff of GoogleSearch for chopping silly bits for this site. I'm hoping that these Big Heartless Souless Corporations that are starting to control ALL the images on the planet take some pity on us lowely FUN choppers and that they don't throw the lot of us in JAIL!
(I'm sure if we just give them lots of money they'll leave us alone. That is what one needs to do to deal with Big Heartless Souless Corporations these days, or so it seems.
(good news out of all this, I got a nice job redesigning and rebuilding his website!) 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!