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Location: Brazil
Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:16 pm Reply with quote
cafn8d wrote: It's also remarkable that this thread, as tangled as it has gotten, has not needed to be locked.
Iīm trying caf... I used to do that in 2 posts... Iīm getting old... 
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Massachusetts
Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:18 pm Reply with quote
TheShaman wrote: I apologize to caffy and to the others in this thread who are actually having an adult conversation.
No apology necessary, Shaman. It is the nature of the beast for such conversations to rile people up (on all sides of the issues) and make them perhaps more sensitive or react in more anger than might ordinarily be the case.
arcaico wrote: cafn8d wrote: It's also remarkable that this thread, as tangled as it has gotten, has not needed to be locked.
Iīm trying caf... I used to do that in 2 posts... Iīm getting old... 
and Ha! Now run along and play, Arc... just not here, please. 
Location: Brazil
Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:40 pm Reply with quote
"Ha! Now run along and play, Arc... just not here, please. "
why? This thread is just a waste of time... itīs about a frigging christian trying to prove God exists to who doesnīt even care about having it proven... and even worse... using stupid arguments and a reeeeeeeeeally poor in design, content and common sense website...
the website is a stupid if/else infinite looping that will always lead to the same path, no matter what yer beliefs are... using extremists arguments such as "oh... you think moral is not universal, so raping kids is ok to you... if not, moral is universal..." is like inducing the answer you want to be right, and not the one that is actually right... that statement itself goes against years of research on psychology... in case mr canuckprick doesnīt know, for some people, raping kids is just as common as buying a coffee in starbucks, not cause theyīre perverted monsters, but cause their psique canīt look at it as morally wrong... some people donīt have morals as most of us do... thatīs why theyīre mentally ill... so technically, yes, raping kids is pretty normal for them... where is yer argument now mr canuckprick? there are thousands of variables (wanna use logics to justify Godīs existence... well donīt forget the variables then... theyīre very important in logics...) But of course itīs easier to try to induce people to believe in whatever garbage you want them to believe by using 4th grade arguments.... unfortunately, that doesnīt work quite well (unless you actually ARE in 4th grade)...
Furthermore, signori, WHAT THE FUCK A THREAD TRYING TO PROVE GODīS EXISTENCE IS DOING ON A PHOTOSHOP SITE?????? Jesus... wanna convert christians, go to a religion website... you canīt even use the excuse you used photoshop to make yer website, cause ANY kid can do the graphics you used there in MS Paint...
anyway, I could just argument on every single stupid argument that was made on the website AND this thread, but Iīd rather not... Iīm just pointing out why I donīt care about picking on Sean and Canuck in here... cause this is actually a contentless thread... so, bullshit for bullshit, thereīs no difference what you type in here... it will still be a waste of time...
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:47 pm Reply with quote
TheShaman wrote: I apologize to caffy and to the others in this thread who are actually having an adult conversation.
Myself? I'm having an ADULT CONVERSION!!!
(when I'm done, I'll be JUST like one of those TRANSFORMERS and I'll be able to turn into a TOASTER and I'll have TOAST WHENEVER I WANT IT!!!!!!! BWA HA HAA HAH AHHHHH *cough!* HAH!)
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:47 pm Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: Iīm just pointing out why I donīt care about picking on Sean and Canuck in here...
funny thing though asshole, I mean arc... this was my ONLY contribution to this ENTIRE thread. Yet you felt compelled to include me in your bullshit.
TheShaman wrote:
And now for something completely different...
cause I actually agree with you for once... Theology has no real business being on a Photoshop site.
this started out as a hows my webdesign thread, and went in a whole different direction. Thanks for playing.
Location: Cloud Cuckoo Land
Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:48 pm Reply with quote
What website? 
_________________ The revolution is just a T-Shirt away.
Location: Hotel California
Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:04 pm Reply with quote
Quite simply because, if listen and debate long enough with Canuck and then repent our sinful world views, we'll all get to go to ...
Location: San Antonio, Tx
Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:07 pm Reply with quote
Please, arcaico...
If you aren't interested in contributing to the discussion, please refrain from making comments here.
If you would like to contribute, please refrain from making the sort of comments that may get this thread locked.
In light of these two requests, please do not get the thread locked while there are people here trying to have a discussion even and especially if you feel that the discussion is pointless.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding what subject matter should or should not be allowed on a site primarily devoted to Photoshop, please take them up with a moderator if you deem it necessary to do so. This is not the place for it.
Thank you.
Location: Massachusetts
Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:08 pm Reply with quote
And Arc, I agree with you on several counts, although I tend to choose different wording. But this infinitely looping and pointless thread CONTINUES to be allowed on PSC because there is no hard rule about staying "on topic" here. In fact, several of the forums invite "off-topic" threads. And you sure do enjoy expending a LOT of energy on such a "waste of time" as this thread.  But making personal attacks will only get yourself in trouble. It will not change the fact that such threads are allowed to exist on this site. If that is your discontent, then starting your own thread, in the Brain Storm forum, would be more likely to gain you some satisfaction, at least in venting your frustration and expressing your opinion and hearing feedback.
Edit: PotHed voiced similar ideas but beat me to it.
Location: Brazil
Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:18 pm Reply with quote
cafn8d wrote: If that is your discontent, then starting your own thread, in the Brain Storm forum, would be more likely to gain you some satisfaction
I canīt start threads... splodge has an automated arcīs threads detect and delete system installed in his computer... 5 minutes in the front page and itīs gone...
cafn8d wrote: Edit: PotHed voiced similar ideas but beat me to it.
I canīt argue with him... wouldnīt be fair... unless i also had pot in my head... but thatīs not the case...
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: San Antonio, Tx
Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:23 pm Reply with quote
cafn8d wrote: Edit: PotHed voiced similar ideas but beat me to it.
I used to be a moderator elsewhere. I know how things get. Plus I've been a member of (formerly for a long time and we are used to discussing these topics in a civil manner. That entire site is full of opportunities to flame and get threads shut down for good, discussing everything from science to philosophy to politics to morality to religion. I can't imagine a more potential hotbed for inappropriate behavior, yet the site (generally for atheists, but moderated by theists and atheists alike) remains the quality standard for mature and intellectual exchange. Truly remarkable.
I bet Canuck knows all about freeratio/iidb. I'm pretty sure he tried to show off his site there once and got slammed with the same rebuttals he's getting from me here on PSC.
Is that the case, Canuck?
Edit: I put "frdb" instead of "freeratio". Oops!
Canuck <š)))><
Location: Dorchester, Ontario Canada
Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:28 pm Reply with quote
badcop wrote: Just out of curiosity...
Are you putting forth the word of the bible as "proof" in itself?
Depends on what the question is.
badcop wrote: If asked you to prove something, would you answer, "because it says so in the bible"?
Depends on what you asked me to prove. If you asked me about something in the bible, then yes.
My proof that God is the foundation of logic, is not because the Bible says so, it is true by the impossibility of the contrary. Yes, the Bible is proof, and would stand on its own, but I am not using it as the proof.
_________________ "The atheist cant find God for the same reason that a thief cant find a policeman."
Location: Massachusetts
Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:37 pm Reply with quote
Canuck <š)))>< wrote: My proof that God is the foundation of logic, is not because the Bible says so, it is true by the impossibility of the contrary. Yes, the Bible is proof, and would stand on its own, but I am not using it as the proof.
 Why do you feel that is impossible?
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