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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Special view of NoWallsMusic - Reply to topic


Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:02 am   Reply with quote         

Howdy folks!

Well my other "Special View Of Canada" thread isn't going so well. Some problems with "international boundaries" on the World Wide Web.

Hopefully this will be simpler for you to take a peek at, if you have a spare moment. Smile

I've updated my EXPLORATIONS page on my Photographic Art website... those of you who are musicians may find it interesting this month. CLICK HERE to take a peek at my new gallery addition.

(And don't forget to visit the HOME PAGE and take a gander at Sk8terpunk doing his thang! Wink)

DON'T FORGET TO HIT THAT "SHOW ORIGINAL" BUTTON - you'll get a better idea of the PS tweekin' goin' on! reindeer


the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Adam Collins

Location: somewhere in mississippi

Post Thu Feb 26, 2009 4:56 am   Reply with quote         

ReinMan wrote:
Howdy folks!

DON'T FORGET TO HIT THAT "SHOW ORIGINAL" BUTTON - you'll get a better idea of the PS tweekin' goin' on! reindeer

that show original button is cool

nice real looking pictures


Location: Massachusetts

Post Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:24 am   Reply with quote         

I love it, ReinMan! Very Happy

Although the "sheep directed to SLAUGHTER" one was a bit of a let-down. Confused Oh, it's a dandy chop, top-notch work, as usual... just the thumbnail of the image, see... in the thumbnail the sign is cut off in such a way that it says "LAUGHTER". Doh!

You did that on purpose, didn't you. Laughing


Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:08 am   Reply with quote         

cafn8d wrote:
I love it, ReinMan! Very Happy

Although the "sheep directed to SLAUGHTER" one was a bit of a let-down. Confused Oh, it's a dandy chop, top-notch work, as usual... just the thumbnail of the image, see... in the thumbnail the sign is cut off in such a way that it says "LAUGHTER". Doh!

You did that on purpose, didn't you. Laughing

Thanks folks! Very Happy

Caf: well, that one was actually a contest entry here at PSC. And, yes, MAYBE I cut the thumbnail that way on purpose. OR MAYBE I WAS DIVINELY GUIDED. Raising Brow


the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!

Location: Hotel California

Post Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:24 am   Reply with quote         

You can't fool me with your slick, good looking, professionally done, north of the border websites.

I know what you Canadians are really like.

Saw it all in a cartoon just yesterday. Raising Brow Hmmm


Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:30 am   Reply with quote         

Tarmac wrote:
You can't fool me with your slick, good looking, professionally done, north of the border websites.

(Thanks. Embarassed Did it myself. Smile)

Tarmac (some more) wrote:
I know what you Canadians are really like.

Saw it all in a cartoon just yesterday. Raising Brow Hmmm

Yes. We are a friendly lot, we Canadians. But put a hockey stick in our hands and we can become rather AGGRESSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!

Location: Massachusetts

Post Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:41 am   Reply with quote         

ReinMan wrote:
cafn8d wrote:
I love it, ReinMan! Very Happy

Although the "sheep directed to SLAUGHTER" one was a bit of a let-down. Confused Oh, it's a dandy chop, top-notch work, as usual... just the thumbnail of the image, see... in the thumbnail the sign is cut off in such a way that it says "LAUGHTER". Doh!

You did that on purpose, didn't you. Laughing

Thanks folks! Very Happy

Caf: well, that one was actually a contest entry here at PSC. And, yes, MAYBE I cut the thumbnail that way on purpose. OR MAYBE I WAS DIVINELY GUIDED. Raising Brow

I thought it seemed familiar!

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