A.G.L wrote:
ok let me see if I got this right. We all get the source on Monday at 8 AM and we have two days to chop, so that means we have to post our entries till Wednesday and the chop may be above 250 KB. Did I get it right?
Pretty much. Here's a rundown.
1. Sign up
2. Next day post asking when H2H will start
3. Later the same day check the boards to find out when it starts
4. Repeat steps 2-3 for a couple weeks (until the start date is announced).
5. With the start announcement will be a posting announcing the matchups (the head-to-head part of head-to-head). Immediately begin to either bitch about who you're matched up against or gloat about your imminent victory (this step is mandatory)
6. Fret every day about the start of the tourney up to the night before.
7. Sleep like crap that night and try to convince yourself it's not nerves.
8. The day of the tourney starts be at your computer at 6:00 a.m. PSC time. Click tourney page refresh every 30 seconds until you get the source for the round
9. Freak out about the source (whine about it in the forums, again mandatory).
10. Chop your little heart out and post your entry within 48 hours.
11. Go to the forums and whine about the source. Inquire about the nature of blurker's loser lounge.
12. Log on on Wednesday at 6:00 a.m. and click refresh until the voting page comes up.
13. Vote for your opponent's chop (good form and it may be the only vote they get you know).
14. Fret about the results until posted
15. Victory dance or bitching. Depends on how your matchup went.
16. Repeat steps 7 through 15 for as many rounds as you last.
17. Spend the next 6-9 months asking when the next H2H is going to start.