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Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:29 pm Reply with quote
I think i'm for releasing the source on friday.
Why? because people who work from monday - friday, do not have the same amount of time to spend on a chop as others do who do not work, or work less.
This will give an advantage to both type of choppers...due to more time. Personally i think the quality of the chops will improve when given more time.

_________________ [img][/img]
Location: Nederland
Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:40 pm Reply with quote
One simply can't change the rules of the game during the match. Imho that is not okay and I definitely vote against it.
It would have been better to discuss this before the tournament started. Or maybe afterwards by means of evaluation.
_________________ The chopper is an artist who is paid per job or per chop or perhaps.
Location: NSW - Australia
Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:01 pm Reply with quote
I think its a good idea. Because people work...they may only get the chance to chop in the afternoon or night. If we get the weekend it will be better.
However, it may not make much difference this weekend (easter weekend) as im sure a lot of people (myself included) have plans on easter.
So is i like this? We get 2 extra days of chopping...then theres 2 days where you can finish chopping+enter your work then the next 2 days of voting? That would work. Unless it is too difficult for the coders or something.
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:46 pm Reply with quote
I work Monday-Friday. The source is released at 5am where I am, just before I dart off to work, so I can take a peak at the source, bounce it around in my head for 9 hours, then come home and finally start on it. I can't allow myself to stay up all night, I'm on probation at work for constantly oversleeping, so staying up late on the weekdays is out of the question. So there is 34 hours eaten up out of 48 between work and sleep that I won't chop, leaving me 14 hours to make something special. I like to spend a good 10+ hours on my photoshop entries.... It's doeable, but barely, not giving me any time to do anything else, and I've got A.D.D..... so I can't work on a chop from beginning to end in one sitting, I constantly take breaks. Plus I've got a lot of other work to do with video production the next 2 weeks.
I find it a little unfair that some people don't work during the week and can focus more time on their artwork. But I'll do my best. I don't think changing the source reveal date is unfair, everybody in the next round will be in the same boat, it would be a fair change, just as long as it is announced to everybody that there is a change.
Location: Yorkshire,
Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:52 pm Reply with quote
you missed me off the in favor list
in favor so far (44 out of 104) 42.3%:
Former Site Moderator
Location: Pennsyltucky
Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:59 pm Reply with quote
First of all, this should have been a poll...luv ya arc!
Here's my take as a participant in the H2H, not a moderator on the site. I would LOVE to have the image on Friday, because I'm a slow chopper, and I'm very busy at work, my kids are in after school it's difficult for me to get a GOOD image done on time. My initial reaction was YES!!! Deshone made me think though.
Imagine you are a young runner and you are told:
1. You are invited to enter a tourney where you will run the 100 yard dash.
2. If you win each race you will advance to the next round.
3. You choose not to enter because you are a long distance runner.
4. Then after the first race, the runners who are still in the tourney want to change the rules and they took up a "vote".
5. The ignorant, uncaring and highly paid race judges decide to immediately react to the runners who are voting.
6. The decision is made that instead of the 100 yard dash, now the young runners are going to run the mile...
Seriously, if you entered the tourney as a sprinter who had time on Mon/Tues. that was an advantage as well, if the rules change, now you have long distance runners against you.
If everyone feels the source should be released on Friday and Proc agrees, then I will benefit as a contest participant, as I'm a long distance runner. However, I imagine another forum thread will be started by those who didn't enter, due to time restraints, or those in the tourney who work on weekends.
We have some work to do for the next H2H, no doubt.
_________________ A man is like wine. He begins as a raw grape. It's a woman's job to stomp on him, and keep him in the dark until he matures into something she'd like to have dinner with.
Location: Massachusetts
Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:00 pm Reply with quote
There are many very good points on both sides. No, I haven't read all four pages. I do feel that two days to chop is part of the challenge. That said, I'm a very slow chopper, too. (And that's besides my procrastinating distractedness and indecisiveness!) I'll probably never win a tie.  Since it's my birthday on Monday, I'm going to be self-centered and vote in favor of getting the source on Friday. But Nancers is right as usual... we'll "never" hear the end of --whatever happens!
When the Round 2 pic is released may will be a moot point for me, anyway. *Ten hours until we find out!*
I'd like future H2Hs to have back-to-back rounds, without the days off. But chop time would definitely need to be increased at least a day to prevent the weekend from being the ONLY time to chop and submit during any rounds. Weren't some of the original H2H tourneys "rapid fire" like that?
Location: Bear, Delaware, USA
Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:17 pm Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: blackfox wrote: You can't change the rules after the contest is started . . . to do so opens you up to changing the rules at any time in any contest. Change them for next time . . . everyone knew the rules going into the contest . . . no one said you HAD to join the contest.
All it would take is for one chopper to say "you changed the rules after they were binding and I'm seeking legal action for my inconvenience." People sue for hot coffee spillage and facebook changes. . . . why take a chance. . . leave the rules as they are.
Point is nowhere in the rules is stated when the source is released blackfox. As well as it doesn't state what the prize is. It's not really changing the rules, once the info is not shown anywhere.
The rules SPECIFICALLY STATE: Each round will begin on a Monday @ 8AM EDT.
Just like the daily challenge, the source is release ON THAT DAY . . . . not everyone has the Advantage. . . the source is ALWAYS released when the DAILY ROUND begins.
You're making up a new "source release" on your own. . . the rounds have ALWAYS begun when the source is released.
Case closed.
and I'll add this. . .if the rules change at any time during the contest, I'll be the one who sues the site because my reputation as a Photoshop guru will be on the line . . . if the rules change then so does the reputation of my quick skills in chopping. . . you damage my reputation by changing the rules and I'll close the site down in a heartbeat.
_________________ You'll never outfox the fox.
Dead Man
Location: Montreal
Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:20 pm Reply with quote
I'm for it.
One of my first drawings on coreldraw 10 years ago... (I added the PSC logo)
Location: Geordieland, UK
Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:21 pm Reply with quote
Release the source on Friday! Nobody will die, I promise!(Marco might get stabbed in the face a bit though)
Location: Permanent vacation from Nor Cal
Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:29 pm Reply with quote
Is this dude being serious???
I signed up not even knowing the rules, just wanted to have the opportunity to play and compete against excellent choppers and have fun. I honestly thought that it was non-stop (we chop for 2 days, we vote for 2 days, and then we start again right away), having the days off is kind of strange to me. It's like the superbowl having a 2 week break. . . why?
It really doesn't matter to me either way, just thinking of my fellow choppers who have to work different schedules then myself. There is a thing called manners and I think the sight has the right to do whatever they like (especially when the h2h is free of charge)
Ya'll are being wayyyyy to serious about something that is supposed to be fun. Now seriously stfuac!
“I had a dream I could buy my way to heaven, when I awoke I spent that on a necklace.”~~~ Kanye West
Location: Australia
Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:29 pm Reply with quote
I would have loved to have been, but I'm not in the H2H this year (or last year) because;
1. I have a job. Mon to Fri.
2. I live in Australia, and 8am PSC time is 10-11pm Australian time. I would really struggle working all day and coming home and chopping through the night.
3. There never seems to be a definite 'kick-off' date to plan for in advance.
If Arc's suggestion was taken on board, it would mean that I could use my weekend and enter the H2H. At the moment I just feel sort of 'excluded' based on my geographic location.
I dearly would love to take part, but the current format just means that I am a good chance of no-showing if I enter.
It's extremely disappointing watching the H2H and not being able to enter.
Location: Geordieland, UK
Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:33 pm Reply with quote
nat_g31 wrote:
Ya'll are being wayyyyy to serious about something that is supposed to be fun. Now seriously stfuac!
Ok then, but can I still stab Marco in the face? 
Location: Somerville MA
Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:36 pm Reply with quote
I'm still willing to get even if I have less votes. 
Location: Permanent vacation from Nor Cal
Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:48 pm Reply with quote
anfa wrote: nat_g31 wrote:
Ya'll are being wayyyyy to serious about something that is supposed to be fun. Now seriously stfuac!
Ok then, but can I still stab Marco in the face? 
Yes Anfa, he is in my bracket. Can you also stab Arc for me!
Might as well do everyone in my bracket except me 
“I had a dream I could buy my way to heaven, when I awoke I spent that on a necklace.”~~~ Kanye West
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