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Location: Brazil

Post Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:15 pm   Reply with quote         

My bad splodge... I thought I had included you. Already fixed it.

Nancy, the fact I didn't make a poll, was because I wanted the opinion of the people that are actually playing the tourney, and not from outsiders. Otherwise the poll wouldn't be accurate.

Well, may I complement your story?

7. The judges (who self-proclaimed themselves as being ignorant, uncaring and highly paid) decide that in order to keep it fair for those who can run a dash only, they can wait in the last 100 yards line and start from there, not having to run the whole mile.


TheShaman wrote:
fine fine! I'm an idiot!

Post Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:18 pm   Reply with quote         

Yeah, I don't see any point not to do it. It'd basically afford everyone more time to work on their chops, correct? At this point, the only bad thing I can see about it is that the best choppers will have even more time to make better chops, which is good for them, and bad for their opponents. It'd give lesser-skilled choppers more time, but for a lot of them, more time isn't necessarily going to change their overall ability to produce a better chop. Another plus is that it gives more time to those that are working or busy during much of the chopping period, such as myself. So basically, two very good reasons to implement it, one (not very good) reason not to. I'd say go for it. Yes.

"Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."

Location: Geordieland, UK

Post Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:28 pm   Reply with quote         

mason4300 wrote:
Yeah, I don't see any point not to do it. It'd basically afford everyone more time to work on their chops, correct? At this point, the only bad thing I can see about it is that the best choppers will have even more time to make better chops, which is good for them, and bad for their opponents. It'd give lesser-skilled choppers more time, but for a lot of them, more time isn't necessarily going to change their overall ability to produce a better chop. Another plus is that it gives more time to those that are working or busy during much of the chopping period, such as myself. So basically, two very good reasons to implement it, one (not very good) reason not to. I'd say go for it. Yes.

I like this guy!

Post Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:34 pm   Reply with quote         

deshone wrote:
i think all players should all feel the same and then we can change it ... i have seen a few denials ... so change it next year ...

we all knew when we signed up if we had the time to chop in the 2 day period ... that's why people like claf didn't enter before ... and maybe some other members didn't sign up this year because of that ... changing it now would be unfair for those who skipped this year because the didn't have the time to chop ...

I agree with you desh.
It can be unfair for some members.

In my case, it doesn't make a big difference. I don't chop in week-ends... playing with the kids... or wife. Laughing
I chop by night, usually in the last hours before a contest starts... because I always cant find time to chop earlier... and I think I need that pressure. I took the risk this year. Maybe I'll do a crappy entry because of a lack of time, but I'll chop whatever if I have only 5 minutes because
I have to participate every weeks... this is the rule.
But having the source Friday and having the week-end to find a good idea can be good for me especially if the source sucks.

Like Nancy said, the mods have some work to do for the next H2H. And this change will be GREAT.
Thanks arc!



Location: Brazil

Post Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:36 pm   Reply with quote         

blackfox wrote:
The rules SPECIFICALLY STATE: Each round will begin on a Monday @ 8AM EDT.

it will still begin on a monday at 8am, for submitting, just as stated in the rules...

blackfox wrote:
Just like the daily challenge, the source is release ON THAT DAY . . . . not everyone has the Advantage. . . the source is ALWAYS released when the DAILY ROUND begins.

The tourney is a completely separate event. It doesn't follow the rules of daily contests. If it did, you'd be able to submit AND vote as soon as the source was released, just like in daily contests. You would be able to buy advantage and see the source a month ahead. You wouldn't be able to vote for more than 25 matches, once you can spend only 25 votes in a contest. You would be able to edit your entry as many times as you want. You would be able to post gifs. You wouldn't be limited to the stupid 700x700 pixels. As you can see, it's NOT just like the daily challenge. It's a completely different event.

blackfox wrote:
You're making up a new "source release" on your own. . . the rounds have ALWAYS begun when the source is released.

just like the prize was always lifetime advantage for the top 4 players... and as far as I remember, this was changed in the middle of one of the tourneys.

blackfox wrote:
Case closed.

indeed... this case is closed...

blackfox wrote:
and I'll add this. . .if the rules change at any time during the contest, I'll be the one who sues the site because my reputation as a Photoshop guru will be on the line . . . if the rules change then so does the reputation of my quick skills in chopping. . . you damage my reputation by changing the rules and I'll close the site down in a heartbeat.

ANY court in the whole world would consider a joke to base a reputation on a website that manipulates images for fun. If you really intend to sue PSC, good luck. Tabloids do need funny real life stories to survive.


TheShaman wrote:
fine fine! I'm an idiot!


Location: Geordieland, UK

Post Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:38 pm   Reply with quote         

Do it!


Location: Australia

Post Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:27 am   Reply with quote         

deshone wrote:
i think all players should all feel the same and then we can change it ... i have seen a few denials ... so change it next year ...

we all knew when we signed up if we had the time to chop in the 2 day period ... that's why people like claf didn't enter before ... and maybe some other members didn't sign up this year because of that ... changing it now would be unfair for those who skipped this year because the didn't have the time to chop ...

next time think about this before the tourney starts ... which was announced a few weeks back ... you had your chance ... now STFU and chop Smile

Well said Desh, all good and valid points but lets wait get this one over with and then do all the heavy thinking and stuff.



Location: Cumming, GA

Post Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:04 am   Reply with quote         

Works for me


Location: <3 of the USA

Post Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:50 am   Reply with quote         

arcaico wrote:
I've PMed every player in the tourney about this (except the ones that have previously expressed their opinions in here). I'll post the list of the players in favour or against releasing the source on friday here.

in favor so far (56 out of 104) 53.8%:
clonestamp trooper
Dead Man

against so far (11 out of 104) 10.6%:
bneises (!) (not sure I got this one right... if I'm wrong, just let me know)

abstained (4 out of 104) 3.8%:

not pronnounced so far (34 out of 104) 32.8%


I decide to create a new topic to discuss the rules of the H2H, so it doesn't mix with the original H2H topic. As everyone knows, I sugested the source would be released on friday, right after the release of the results of the round, so we don't have to wait till monday to start working on our entries. It wouldn't affect the tourney in any way, and would give us 3 extra days to work on our entries. I'll explain it better in a while.

Point is I was informed the mods aprove the change, but won't do it because the tourney is already in progress, and it wouldn't be fair to the other player in the tourney to change the rules in the midway.

So let's take a look at the rules:

Photoshop Contest Head to Head Tournament 2009

We are no longer accepting registrations, enjoy the tournament!


The tournament will start as soon as enough site members have registered and we queue up the matches. There is no fee. This is a free event to enter and vote in. It will be single elimination and have multiple rounds. The number of rounds will be determined by the amount of contestants registered. Registration is on a first come / first serve basis. You must have had posted at least 10 regular contest entries in order to sign up. Please do not register if you do not have time to work on one entry every few days over the next few weeks.


as you can see, there are no prizes in the rules... of course we know Proc will announce the prizes midway, but I don't think anyone would care changing THIS rule midway, right??? After all, this change would be good for some players.

Rules and Info

* PSCore based seeding.

After the brackets were made, meaning the tourney had started, a player was removed and a player was added. But the brackets remained the same way, even though the replacement had a different PSCore than the former player. For this rule not to be broken, the brackets would need to be remade, not only filled, once with a different PSCore, the bracket would be different.

original player: L@rue - PSCore: 35.60
replacement: gotmeamuse - PSCore: 26.80

* One image per round for all participants.
* Each round will begin on a Monday @ 8AM EDT.
* Each round will be four days long. Two days for entries to be submitted and two days for voting.

This is the point where my change would imply a problem, according to the mod staff.

The way it is, the round ends on Friday. Then you have to wait till Monday, when the round starts, the image is released, and then you have 2 days to submit (Monday and Tuesday) and 2 days to vote (Wednesday and Thursday).

What I requested to the mods was simply to release the source on Friday, instead of waiting till Monday to release the source. It wouldn't change the former format AT ALL. As you can see, the rules say clearly "two days for entries to be submitted" (submitting would still be open on monday), "and two days for voting" (voting would still be open on Wednesday). The only difference would be the day the source would be released (there's no indication about when the source would be released in the rules... it only states the submitting and voting status).

* Image must be up to 250KB and less than 700x700 pixels.
* .gif images are not allowed.
* Do not sign up if you will not have time to compete over the next few weeks.
* Competitors must post an image or will be black listed from future tournaments.

Even though a lot of us don't agree with these size specs, it's in the rules... ya gotta play by the book... and I don't have a problem with that.

* All prizes are final, no refunds or exchanges.


* Good luck!


Well, back to topic... I know I'm well known for being a trouble-maker in here, but I'm not trying to create a fuss. I'm just trying to improve the H2H so it can be even better than the past tourneys. I talked to a few mods (I won't say names... this is NOT a personal attack on anyone...) and what they told me was as follows.

It wouldn't be fair to the players that started the tourney and had only two days to chop on round one.

I believe ALL players had two days to chop for round one. How come this wouldn't be fair to all players? I mean... anyone can play the round two, as long as they win their match. I had the same time to chop for round one as anyone else.

The tourney has already started. We can't make changes midway.

Excuse me. I believe there was a replacement in the bracket midway, without remaking the brackets. And if changes midway really can't be made, then we won't have prizes for this tourney, once they're not specified in the rules. I wonder what will be the motivation to chop for two months, if there are no prizes.

You agreed with the rules when you signed up.

I did. And I really don't see any indication about the releasing of the source in the rules.

You played it last year. Don't act like you didn't know it was this way.

Right... and the year before that, the final players had a lifetime advantage as a prize. But Proc changed that last year, when he announced different prizes midway. So it's not justifiable the premise that last year was this way, this year we won't change it midway.

You know that any change we make midway would cause confusion to the players.

Come on... you gotta be joking. Releasing the source right after the end of the round would cause confusion?????

Anyway, I'll be sending this to every player in the tourney, and ask them if they approve this change midway, so this could be implemented in the ongoing tourney, and not only next year.

If you are participating in the tourney, and reading this thread, either PM me with approval or denying, or post it in here.

OK This Friday? Yeh sure that would be ok. Smile


Location: Devon, England

Post Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:21 am   Reply with quote         

arcaico wrote:

against so far (11 out of 104) 10.6%:
bneises (!) (not sure I got this one right... if I'm wrong, just let me know)

abstained (4 out of 104) 3.8%:

not pronnounced so far (34 out of 104) 32.8%


can you move me to the 'abstained' group? I don't really feel that strongly either way.


Location: Photoshop Nation

Post Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:34 am   Reply with quote         

where's my PM? Twisted Evil


Location: Yorkshire,

Post Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:51 am   Reply with quote         

i think proc should throw a mod in the air and see if they land heads or tails, simples


Hallcross Toots

Location: PhotoshopLand (Italy)

Post Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:30 am   Reply with quote         

most important thing, everyone has to be noticed by pm if the dates will change.
104/104 Cool


Location: Massachusetts

Post Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:35 am   Reply with quote         

dang double post


Location: Massachusetts

Post Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:40 am   Reply with quote         

I think the point that Blackfox was making is that the release of the source IS PART OF the "round." It's a matter of interpretation, and I do agree with him that the "release of the source" begins the round, not merely the ability to submit our entries. (I will also add Rolling Eyes at his ridiculous threats, but that's besides the main point. Wink)

I also agree with Desh that the change should be UNANIMOUS, and (besides Blackfox) there are enough dissenters who have spoken up. Even worse, not every one has chimed in, and this means they may be uninformed of the change if it were to be implemented. THAT would be the most unfair, to change the game without making sure everyone playing KNEW about the change before it was made.

We have less than half an hour left before the end of this round, so this change (release of source early) is unlikely to happen anyway... but please move my vote to "abstained." I would still enjoy and benefit from the change - IF I get to move on to the next round, but thinking about it more, it would cause more detriment than benefit to the site as a whole. And no, I don't place any merit in the threat of lawsuits. Rolling Eyes

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