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Location: Back where I belong.
Fri Apr 17, 2009 3:59 pm Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: ReyRey wrote: arcaico wrote: Granulated wrote: ReyRey wrote: My 6 year old Daughter would like to know what Mario is doing in Arc's avatar.  Any suggestions? 
going for an 'extra life', obviously !
gran beat me to it... scoring extra lives... itīs pretty clear...
and when are you people gonna learn to keep the kids afk when Iīm around????
Looks like rape. You slip something in her drink?
the guy with two 12 years old girls shaking boobs in the avatar is trying to diss my innocent videogame avatar... go figure... Brazillian 12 year olds' chests bounce like that?
I wanna see the 20-30-something year old Brazillian women now. 
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
The mind is like a parachute, it doesnt work if it isnt open. - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: italy
Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:38 pm Reply with quote
1. Which match was your favorite? Netwel - Pakimo
2. Which chopper surprised you the most? UntExp
3. Which match surprised you the most? Arcaico vs Raisszadeh
4. Which round 2 chop was your favorite? Claf
5. Hey, i was ready for a seminude woman chop against Arcaico, what can i do now? 
_________________ Crime doesn't pay... does that mean my job is a crime?
Location: In a world of $#!t
Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:05 pm Reply with quote
nifft wrote:
5. Hey, i was ready for a seminude woman chop against Arcaico, what can i do now? 
How about putting your clothes back on. 
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: italy
Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:16 pm Reply with quote
ReyRey wrote: nifft wrote:
5. Hey, i was ready for a seminude woman chop against Arcaico, what can i do now? 
How about putting your clothes back on. 
_________________ Crime doesn't pay... does that mean my job is a crime?
Location: Brazil
Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:23 pm Reply with quote
nifft wrote: ReyRey wrote: nifft wrote:
5. Hey, i was ready for a seminude woman chop against Arcaico, what can i do now? 
How about putting your clothes back on. 
consider yourself lucky...  I was looking forward putting you down on my way to the top too... but a series of unfortunate vents didnīt allow me to do so...
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: italy
Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:30 pm Reply with quote
arcaico wrote:
consider yourself lucky...  I was looking forward putting you down on my way to the top too... but a series of unfortunate vents didnīt allow me to do so...
now we know that we will put you down with your weak point... the cube... so next time i'll make a seminude girl on a cube 
_________________ Crime doesn't pay... does that mean my job is a crime?
Location: Brazil
Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:45 pm Reply with quote
nifft wrote: arcaico wrote:
consider yourself lucky...  I was looking forward putting you down on my way to the top too... but a series of unfortunate vents didnīt allow me to do so...
now we know that we will put you down with your weak point... the cube... so next time i'll make a seminude girl on a cube 
you have your chance... May 1st... May 1st is gonna be the day PSC will taste arcīs wrath!!!!
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Site Moderator
Location: Planet Earth
Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:23 pm Reply with quote
thanks, Splodge
1. Which match was your favorite? Netwel and Pakimo 'cause it was the hardest to choose.
2. Which chopper surprised you the most? Claudiolky (cool chop)
3. Which match surprised you the most? Arc's
4. Which round 2 chops are your favorites? thebeghin, SupakOma, Krank
_________________ If you're going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance!
thank u Tawiskaro
Location: On the way to Utopia!
Sat Apr 18, 2009 6:26 am Reply with quote
My favorites:
deshone vs mattbach, jazgraphic vs claudiolky, mere_artist vs Tawiskaro, jerryhami vs nancers, abraham vs Prince Laurent, sonic3 vs Micose, nyxxie vs huub666, Draco vs supak0ma, anfa vs dannyboyuk09, zoli22 vs mason4300, rose-wood71 vs jerico, FootFungas vs Napalm32, Claf vs monkeytwig, rockyjob vs Janfet, mrchili vs Krank, gsenthil vs clonestamp trooper, arcaico vs raisszadeh, nifft vs seelcraft, nat_g31 vs splodge, deliandave vs pjsev, glennhanna, dewking vs thbeghin, bogsy vs Watch them Drift, cherylm329 vs photolicious, marcoballistic vs dbbowling, Dead Man vs rockfisch, Netwel vs pakimo, UntExp vs YerPalAl, ReyRey vs bneises, DaVinci vs blue_lurker, Govan vs Granulated and DLowrie vs edovan.

Location: Ladispoli, Italia
Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:10 am Reply with quote
1. Which match was your favorite? Netwel vs Pakimo - rockyjob vs Janfet
2. Which chopper surprised you the most? bogsy
3. Which match surprised you the most? arcaico vs raisszadeh
4. Which round 2 chop was your favorite? claf, netwel, pakimo
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Sun Apr 19, 2009 3:01 pm Reply with quote
1. Which match was your favorite?
nifft vs seelcraft
2. Which chopper surprised you the most?
Draco, much more talent there than I expected.
3. Which match surprised you the most?
Tawiskaro vs. mere_artist...... Technically a Shutout
4. Which round 2 chop was your favorite?
Netwel's When People become Ants, dewking's Big Bang2, and jerryhami's Crystal Ball
5. Any doubts about my entry?
I knew what I had created when I entered it. So I put it onto my phone and show people at work, friends, family. I'd say 80% didn't know what they were looking at. They saw a golf club. When I told them what it was, their eyes popped out of their head as if the image magically changed. So I thought I was going to lose.
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