Janfet wrote:
Thanks everyone !
Yep arc should get first choice, he was the highest voted loser. I was second !
And of course I think
supak0ma should agree...he might not like the idea of having a new opponent.
although I'm a slow chopper and probably won't be able to really pull off something great...i'd still like to give it a go !

ScionShade wrote:
This is sooooooooooooooooo unfair.....
Actually, the only "fair" thing would be to give Supa a "free pass" Round 3. But then we always have people complaining about "no-shows" and how they could have filled in.
Grefix worded it best, in gmail, "replacements shouldn't be allowed at all, if you forfeit, well tough luck. and if you lost in the previous round well tough luck but you've lost
what's done is done"
Anyway, Arc is chopping, I believe. But what's the OFFICIAL word on how to handle this?