Tesore wrote:
Swine Flu, april 28 - 2009
Verenigde Staten (44)
Canada (6 and 10-12 probable)
Nieuw Zeeland (3 and 63 probable)
Groot-Brittannië (2)
Israël (1 en 1 probable)
Spanje (1 en 26 probable).
Australië (70 probable)
Chili ( 8 )
China (a few ?)
Colombia (9)
Denemarken (5)
Frankrijk (1)
Hong Kong (4)
Ierland (3)
Singapore (2)
Zuid-Korea (1)
Zweden (5)
Zwitserland (5)

Most of those aren't confirmed or have been proven wrong.. from what I know so far Its the Central america region, USA (new york,california,texas...and other states), New Zealand... and a few unconfirmed cases in asian countries like Hong Kong, Japan and others... I know that there is another case in two other (I believe) small countries in Asia too...
I just don't think google maps is the best place to look...(I might be misunderstanding, I only speak english and portuguese, And what I said is only what I heard on the news)
But there is no need to panic or get frustrated.. The swine influenza has a 6% chance of death and that is probably due to the poverty and bad living conditions in some places in Mexico.. Take precotions and be carefull, If you feel ill and have some of the symptoms its better to go to the hospital... being prepared almost guarentees that you will be treated correctly and at the right time