Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Brain Storm - 25 votes, downfall of quality!? - Reply to topic
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Location: Brazil
Thu May 07, 2009 11:51 am Reply with quote
I wonder what kind of beauty there is in a chainsaw in a kindergarden, but it still got a full truckload of votes....
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Northern California
Thu May 07, 2009 1:01 pm Reply with quote
TutorMe wrote: We removed the guest rating system since it was being abused, and served absolutely no purpose.
Abused? you mean like users will log-off and give a really low rating to the images they hate?? GENIUS
I like it the way it is, xept for the design clearly
Location: Brazil
Fri May 08, 2009 4:57 pm Reply with quote
buckie74 wrote: No more WTFs from you anymore, please. That was just mean and rude, certainly not constructive. I get the idea that you are upset that your superior entries must share space with those of lesser quality. Maybe with a change in attitude you'd make some friends. No more bullying, please.
Jeeeeesus... donīt be so sensitive... The what the fuck was in a WHAT THE... context... like... holly crap... what were you smoking while choping... or something like that... I mean... you only used the fly from the source... and made it spinning senseless in a God knows what splashing vortex whatever it was (which by the way, I only knew it was a vortex because of the captions... authorīs comments should be used to explain what you did to modify it, or list sources or maybe to put info on the scene, not to EXPLAIN what we are supposed to look at... like... "look... itīs a fly... and itīs riding a super ultra high technological alien hovercraft in the surface of the rings of saturn, while drinking a sour cola soda that would melt an human throat... the fly is flirting with a miniature pseudo-alien-caterpilar -- see the green dot in the top left of the chop -- and is being totally ignored!!") Anyway, if a simple WTF made you cry, Iīm sorry... it wasnīt my intention. But try to make a decent chop in the future and i may vote for you. When i do that, youīll know you evolved.
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Permanent vacation from Nor Cal
Fri May 08, 2009 6:17 pm Reply with quote
buckie74 wrote: ...! I just wanna have fun.... like Madonna. Peace.
Wasn't that Cyndi Lauper???
I had a dream I could buy my way to heaven, when I awoke I spent that on a necklace.~~~ Kanye West
Fri May 08, 2009 6:22 pm Reply with quote
arc you let me down, your entrie sucked, you dont work if you are under pressurre 
Location: Brazil
Fri May 08, 2009 6:44 pm Reply with quote
candron wrote: arc you let me down, your entrie sucked, you dont work if you are under pressurre 
I wasnīt under pressure... you canīt win all the time... once you spend an ammount of time to go one way, you canīt just start over cause you didnīt like the final result. Specially cause sometimes thereīs no time left... (ask caf... my last two entries were posted a few minutes prior to the start of the match). Iīd be a sore loser if I didnīt admit jerry kicked my ass. And he did. Fairly and with style. Congrats Jerry.
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: New Orleans
Fri May 08, 2009 8:09 pm Reply with quote
nat_g31 wrote: buckie74 wrote: ...! I just wanna have fun.... like Madonna. Peace.
Wasn't that Cyndi Lauper???
Uh, oh! You are correct! 
_________________ buckie74
Location: United States
Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:13 am Reply with quote
you have the votes for now.
I will give pics of me and my favorite girl for votes in my favor Most of them are on Burns laptop still but I will get the best ones for you.
when all else fails, bribe
Location: London
Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:29 am Reply with quote
badcop wrote: .
I agree with you 100%.
There's no doubt that extremely sub-par posts are being rewarded with numerous votes.
Worse than the votes, in this uber-supportive environment such posts are also receiving
gushing praise.
Sure, the voters are making friends but it is a great disservice to progress.
It's ok not to use all 25 votes. Unfortunately this site actually makes a competition
out of the number of votes cast in the past 7 days.
Location: Yorkshire, England.
Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:56 am Reply with quote
I've been here since January and I've noticed a change in that short space of time (granted, I'm not here much these days). My first few posts were low in votes and rightly so... I have however received a lot of good advice and constructive criticism along the way. I think people voting for their friends JUST because they are friends is a bit pointless and giving the artist a false sense of victory and it makes the whole thing unfair on the real talent and hardwork in here.
I have probably repeated what has been said here before (I was simply too lazy to read all of it lol).
Backing your friends up is great but voting for a lesser quality chop over true PS greatness is unfair and shouldn't be done. I've never done a chop that I thought was awesome, then got 3 votes then moaned about it. ( I have however done a chop that I thought was awesome, then got 3 votes ) It's not about the votes its the sharing of skills, imagination and variation.
Love to all! 
_________________ If you've never seen an elephant ski, then you've never been on acid.
Location: PDX
Tue Nov 24, 2009 1:46 am Reply with quote
I read what I could of this post before having to skip to the end. How long do the noobs have to go before they get some of that helpful critisism (not of the spelling, nothing gonna help that)? Nevermind the voting, unless its anonymous people will vote for their buddies and (not everyone but it is pretty obvious by the inside jokes that this will happen) that is fine. I'm terrible at popularity contests. Darn. But, I do want to get better. I read the tuts I can and the forum stuff, but I'm in this for the hands on feed back and creative outlet. So far I have seen one piece of helpful advice. Otherwise its been ... or 'nice' 'lol' 'way to go'. I really like this site and hope to grow into a pro chopper. But I won't if I'm just getting lazy responses or pats on the back.
_________________ Channels are on TV, right?
Location: In a world of $#!t
Tue Nov 24, 2009 4:27 am Reply with quote
tophatpainter wrote: I read what I could of this post before having to skip to the end. How long do the noobs have to go before they get some of that helpful critisism (not of the spelling, nothing gonna help that)? Nevermind the voting, unless its anonymous people will vote for their buddies and (not everyone but it is pretty obvious by the inside jokes that this will happen) that is fine. I'm terrible at popularity contests. Darn. But, I do want to get better. I read the tuts I can and the forum stuff, but I'm in this for the hands on feed back and creative outlet. So far I have seen one piece of helpful advice. Otherwise its been ... or 'nice' 'lol' 'way to go'. I really like this site and hope to grow into a pro chopper. But I won't if I'm just getting lazy responses or pats on the back.
I think we tend to let newbies learn on their own for the first couple of images especially if it looks like they are just starting on the program. I took a quick glance at your potfolio and there are only four images. They are all very simple, basically cut out the source and put it in a clever situation.
I think people wait until they really see where your skill level is at before the start commenting. They let you find your groove first and then they tear you apart once they know you want to try and can take the critique. But now that you have stated that you want the attention.... Look out. Lol
people will reply. I for one will keep an eye out. I will go through your four chops later and tear you a new ahole.... Lol ... Just kidding. You have the right attitude. I'm sure people will be glad to help. Good luck and keep honing your skills. If you want critique around here, just ask. 
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Cartoon Contractor
Location: I was here. Now I'm not!
Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:31 am Reply with quote
Like Rey Rey said! If you want critique you came to the right place, just ask!
Ask and thou shall receive!
The squeaky wheel gets the grease!
Holler and we'll come runnin!
Car wrecks get rubber necks!
Raise your skirt and we'll take a peek!
Etc, Etc, Etc.
If your not bashful we won't be! Believe me there are many people that will help you here if you ask! A great community with a chitload of talent! Welcome and enjoy PSC! 
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