We need a diversion.
Let's lighten the PSC mood a bit. Jerry would have like it that way I think.
I propose a simple game (I hope it's simple anyway). The idea is
- Go through the alphabet and
choose a theme for each letter.
Post 3 images matching the theme of the letter you're on. The kicker is that
the images have to come from the PSC contest archives (regular or H2H). Linking to the contest would be a grand thing don't you think?
- The images can be all from the same contest or from multiple contests it's up to the poster (as long as they're from PSC contests).
- All three pics can be from the same chopper or multiple choppers.
- Once we've gone through the alphabet it just starts back at "A" again.
- Hint! Use the little "search" in the upper right corner of your PSC screen.
I'll start with "A" is for apples! I could find a TON but for now these chops still rocks my socks. Links to the contests follow the chops.
Grate over Grass
Belly Button
Dried Plants
Who's got "B"?
p.s. Anyone notice Brad's got an infatuation with fruit?

Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey