ReyRey wrote:
Todays newbies are tomorrows big guns. If there is a person who's talents you appreciate but they are not around anymore, Then PM them and tell them. Make them feel wanted. Ask for some advice. Do a tribute image to them. Yer Pal Al had been gone for a while. He told me one day he decided to check out the site and he saw one of my images. He liked it so much that it made him come back. It made me feel very proud. So besides PMing them, you can improve your own skills. Take criticism and use it to improve. Have a harder shell and stop being so damn sensitive. Stop all the drama and STFUAC!! Really. Have fun. Play games, make jokes, but most of all LEARN!! Make this place the best it could be. When you look back in a few years, you can say, "I helped to make it what it is today", and be proud. Newbies will be calling you for advice. So,everybody Pm a friend today. Tell them "we would all like to see them back. We want to make this site better and it would be better with them here". Do it! They will come.
Let's make a list of names here that you would like to see return and then we will all PM them and let them know how we feel. What do you say?

I think it is of importance, why not make the list of missing members here so the mods could make a letter and send it to them, signed with everyones name

Please note I did not elaborate the list, it was elaborated by some other helpfull members... but feel free to add some one or even PM them saying how much WE need them.
This Thread could also be a thread to add ideas on how to make them come back..