cafn8d wrote:
Grefix has already coded the favorites gallery. It just needs the go-ahead from Proc.
Speaking of coding. Grefix, supa and TutorMe deserve some MAJOR kudos for their work behind the scenes. Keep in mind that they're doing this for free too.
The morning slow-down was solved by Grefix a little while back. He optimized the algorithm and even spotted other areas that needed addressing while doing it.
And you're right Caffy... there is a TON of work being done behind the scenes right now. I believe the mods and Proc are looking at site design, the three previously mentioned code studs are fixing problems and other things are being done too I'm sure (like Blurker's mention of the upcoming scav hunt).
PSC may have gone through a mood swing but it's going back up baby!

Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey