Nevermind... in typical "take up a lot of thread space" I managed to get it right on the fifth try doing this! Don't know what I was or wasn't doing before, but I continue in my quest for fishing water man.
OK> This is my brother and his striped bass that he caught a few weeks ago. I made him "invisible" but then thought it might be fun to have a water man catching a fish.
I tried following the tutorial, but get lost at the point where I am to bring the splash into the workspace, and it is transparent. I have gotten a variety of results, including a red splash that looks "overlayed" onto my brother's body, or a splash that is opaque and not see through at all.
With that limited amount of info, can you tell me what I may be doing wrong? It seems to be in the channel selection.
I am using a mac, so I am translating some of the key strokes from the tute that splodge posted, but I don't think it looks all that difficult. I feel like it should be right in front of my face.
BTW, Tom, I think that your invisible guy looks good, but the people aren't quite fitting on the background. I think the collar and shirt rebuild look pretty authentic.

Sorry to hijack your thread with my question, hope you don't mind![/img]