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Sun Jun 21, 2009 3:51 pm Reply with quote
There is no other site.
PS, I pm'ed you to explain.
Sun Jun 21, 2009 4:11 pm Reply with quote
Hang in there Buckie,
I too had to cut back on the number of my entries. Now I have a little more time to spend on the images that I post--more time to experiment and maybe improve my chopping skills. When I see what others can do with source images I'm inspired to try new techniques.
Good luck,
Location: Earth, USA: swFL
Sun Jun 21, 2009 5:11 pm Reply with quote
Hi, buckie74 - don't feel like 'the lone ranger'....... and don't give up chopping!
I, too, have legal crap going on in my life and am playing a long waiting game - it's incredibly frustrating, because there's a great new guy waiting for me (yeah, even at my age!  ) So, I use photoshop as my therapy!
I had a nice 30+ year career in advertising/printing, but never pushed myself to learn photoshop - tried and got frustrated, and let the printer's artist do the fancy stuff (which I now know was no big deal at all!) - and somehow got by. Now I'm addicted, better late than never.
Now things are different and I don't know quite enough of all the programs to get back in..... so I've been doing tutorials and have so many sites bookmarked... and now a new one, thank you, Jerryhami for the youtube video links - the videos are sometimes the easiest way to learn a new technique for this old brain.
I was "pulled" into this site by my new sweetie, and have since found some very nice people with good advice. The old site I started at crashed, so it's just as well. I agree with what's been said...... take a break, watch a video tutorial, but don't quit!  Besides, when you play (anything) with people who are better than you - you will improve yourself!!! Hang in there, and best of luck. 
_________________ Enjoy where you are on the way to where you're going.
Location: Yorkshire,
Sun Jun 21, 2009 5:27 pm Reply with quote
there is a photoshop ellements contest out there, i pissed all over them with PS7, but to be fair i started with ps elliments 2, i think we are on 5 now
Cartoon Contractor
Location: I was here. Now I'm not!
Sun Jun 21, 2009 5:28 pm Reply with quote
Patti, Don't let life matters stress you here. This is where you go to escape them. Try and pick one or two contests a month instead of entering every comp. Pick something way down the list and play with it until your satisfied with your image. If it isn't working discard it and try something else. This shouldn't be stressful but enjoyable. Good luck on the legal problems. We are all pulling for you.
P.S. You can't leave, we won't let you! 
Location: Devon, UK
Sun Jun 21, 2009 5:37 pm Reply with quote
splodge wrote: there is a photoshop ellements contest out there, i pissed all over them with PS7, but to be fair i started with ps elliments 2, i think we are on 5 now
Try 7
Moved on alot since 5 
Location: Australia
Sun Jun 21, 2009 5:46 pm Reply with quote
buckie, buckie, buckie
If it stops being fun then stop and come back when your ready, if its a matter of skill, then don't leave this place. Given time and practice you will improve, forget votes, forget winning forget competing just concentrate on what you want to learn.
I know you have improved, and have said so, so stick with it and just chill and play and have fun. If you start worrying about votes and stuff it just spoils the fun honest.
Look at my portfolio and see how over time I improved to a point where I now just suck, and not suck totally. 
Location: New Orleans
Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:01 pm Reply with quote
I do understand that fun is the thing. I like the contests because they spur me on. My attention span is a minute or two right now, though. My frame of mind has me thinking that I am really out of my league here. I have tried other sites in the past but I do like this one the best. Your replies are heartening. I thought I was still a newbie. Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm going to give them a try but stay in touch here,too. Ya'll are really good people...! OXOXOXOX Patti
_________________ buckie74
Location: Brazil
Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:47 am Reply with quote
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Dubai
Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:48 am Reply with quote
Yeah buckie, when I saw your entry I thought you are on the expert level already,seriously!! Compare your entry into mine and you will see..hehehehe... Mine is a piece of crap compared to yours, and honestly I've been on another photoshop contest on the net and even searched for other sites and it really suck!!, the competition, the rules, and even the members, there were like robots!!you can't ask anyone for improvement of your work, you were always by your self... hahaha, not like in this site, you can find friends and have a lots of fun, Don't take the contest seriously,just enjoy your self and share your ideas, a newbie like me here makes me felt welcome on every entry I made.=)
Location: Dubai
Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:53 am Reply with quote
I think that is not a Karma buckie, just think of this, all of the things happens for a reason and sometimes, if I'm on the situation that is same weight as your problem, I just keep in mind that, It will end soon and I will make sure that the result will favorable on me...
Cheer up! 
Location: Devon, UK
Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:24 am Reply with quote
I lost heart in photoshop a short while ago, i wasn't happy with my image, i had no ideas at all and i just lost the will to chop.
All due to relationship problems.
I took a short break from chopping but still checked in on the site to see whats was going on.
To be honest i thought i was heading towards depression. But things have improved in my relationship and for some reason i can now look at an image and have some kind of direction.
Our outside life will always affect our time here and reflect on in our images.
But i think i'm getting back to where i was before and i'm a better person for getting through it all.
So i purpose what i'm trying to say is that no matter what life chucks at you, you can get over it and survive.
Happy Chopping Buckie!
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