arc must have his right ear pierced
Look I'm just going by what the girl at the jewelry store told me in the 90's when I got it pierced. She asked are you straight or gay. It DID make a difference back then... The piercing doesn't make you gay, it is supposed to give other gay men a clue... Hey, I'm gay. Or hey, not gay, don't try...
Kinda like rainbow flags and clothing. At least back then... NOW... it doesn't seem to matter.
About the Classic Question - Left or Right Ear ?
Some supposed rule says earrings worn left ear indicates a straight man while gay men wear the earring on the right ear. The seemingly naïve ones wear it on both ears to indicate bisexuality. Wearing earrings is just a fashion statement, and thus defies all written rules. Most debates, on the net or off it, ends with a singular note that wearing earrings is a personal choice and the individual should have every right to wear on the ear he prefers. Yet you would find most men piercing only their left ears.