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Location: On the way to Utopia!
Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:29 am Reply with quote
supak0ma wrote: for starters, typo in logo? huge huge mistake.
Location: Photoshop Nation
Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:35 am Reply with quote
Tesore wrote: supak0ma wrote: for starters, typo in logo? huge huge mistake.
i meant "Altared" Tesore, nothing to do with your effort. Az, i think it will jsut make you look silly, or worst, in front of clients, and trust me you don't want that.
Location: Hamburg, Germany, Europe, right hand of the USA
Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:54 am Reply with quote
Azionite wrote: The same google search came back with a gospel group with "Altared" in their name (which is more along the lines of the genesis for this name). Think it could work as long as "altared" from "altar" works in your language. Means the altared pixel are the ones that are pushed to a holy level.
First of all this should be shown in your logo. Don't care about the how just about the what. Million ways of changing that theme.
Im just not sure if you'll get much jobs of the catholic church
Cheers BL
_________________ Once he was addicted to psc - Now he's dead and free.
Location: NYC
Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:47 am Reply with quote
something quick:
and an option without the word "productions":
Location: Brisbane Australia
Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:10 am Reply with quote
"Here Ya Go A!"
Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:57 am Reply with quote
blue_lurker wrote: Funny old world aint it
My company name and logo
 Blue... great minds.. huh?
Buglover.. I love the meaning portrayed in bringing the pixel to a higher level.
EJH, I like the second one without the productions. The boxes on the bottom could gradually blend from the grey to the blue (showing a transition).
Wiz.. I think so far yours is my fav.. that's exactly the feel I'd like to see. Except I'd have the pixels a little more random and mixed in size. Maybe larger ones in the middle and smaller as they go out. I might take your idea and tweak it just a bit.
Thanks again all for your ideas and input!

Location: Norway
Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:00 pm Reply with quote
EJH wrote: something quick:
and an option without the word "productions":
Best consept and most up to date logo of the bunch. Personally I wouldn't make a gradual pixeleration as mentioned. But thats just me.
Location: NYC
Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:14 pm Reply with quote
funny, the initial design that I came up with had more of a blended effect:
But I thought it was stronger to have one pixel stand out from a group of others that are the same, because I felt it illustrated the name better. (I also positioned the bar on a couple of them so that "ALT" was by itself--sort of a subliminal reinforcement of the name)
...although, looking at it again now, this one does read better as "pixels", since the squares are right up against each other, instead of being spaced out.
Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:19 pm Reply with quote
EJH wrote: funny, the initial design that I came up with had more of a blended effect:
But I thought it was stronger to have one pixel stand out from a group of others that are the same, because I felt it illustrated the name better. (I also positioned the bar on a couple of them so that "ALT" was by itself--sort of a subliminal reinforcement of the name)
...although, looking at it again now, it does read better as "pixels", since they're right up against each other, instead of being spaced out.
I agree. I like the spaces better, but perhaps just changing the color of the individual blocks to blend from the grey color to the blue...
Ok, a quick change. What do you think?
Location: NYC
Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:30 pm Reply with quote
if you'd wait for 2 minutes, you'd get it
(I added a couple more squares, because I think it's stronger to align them to get the subliminal "ALT" effect)
ok, my work here is done. Going to the outside world while the sun is shining... 
Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:05 pm Reply with quote
EJH wrote: if you'd wait for 2 minutes, you'd get it
(I added a couple more squares, because I think it's stronger to align them to get the subliminal "ALT" effect)
ok, my work here is done. Going to the outside world while the sun is shining... 
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