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Location: VeniceFlaUS
Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:22 pm Reply with quote
pearlie wrote:
Also, and imperative on that site, was to upload your 'external' images - and unlike the (thankfully) lax attitude on this site, they could NOT be copyrighted images. There was a place to upload those, also. Another way to see what was done.
LOL. You haven't noticed all of the PSC images that get posted there? This site provides those sources, and while choppers have freedom to do pretty much as they will with their chops.....posting them on a competitive site filling the same niche as this one..I think it can be fairly argued that there is copyright infringement going on here.
They've changed their name, but I know that site.
Location: Anywhere but where I am.
Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:28 pm Reply with quote
TJ wrote: Thanks for all your compliments ReyRey.... Sure makes me what to try harder.
Next time your glancing over the contests, maybe stop and think that everyone is not a good as you. Maybe they are doing the best they can and are at least chopping instead of starting threads about how everyone work sucks.
Rey's good?
Pffft....he doesn't chop anymore because he broke his arm, again....
kidding rey, kidding..
(*slowly backs away*)
Location: Australia
Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:00 am Reply with quote
I guess its funny but with a title like "I'm going to piss people off and ..." at a photoshop site as a visitor I would think we were all rather up our selves and only here for a fight.
Just saying that's all, its not the most welcoming of forum titles now is it. 
Location: Northern California
Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:20 am Reply with quote
ReyRey wrote:
If I was a new visitor now, I don't think I would see anything that would make me want to join. (unless I hit it on a good day.) There should always be at least 2 kick ass images in the contest. JMHO
I said the exact same thing a while ago and I got a load of shit for saying this... THE SOURCE IMAGES ARE A LOAD OF SHIT. That is the main reason why I don't chop, I mean seriously who wants to chop something when the sources are of someones fat showing?
Site Moderator
Location: Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette, finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet.
Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:22 am Reply with quote
Oscar wrote: ReyRey wrote:
If I was a new visitor now, I don't think I would see anything that would make me want to join. (unless I hit it on a good day.) There should always be at least 2 kick ass images in the contest. JMHO
I said the exact same thing a while ago and I got a load of shit for saying this... THE SOURCE IMAGES ARE A LOAD OF SHIT. That is the main reason why I don't chop, I mean seriously who wants to chop something when the sources are of someones fat showing?
But you suck.
Location: pfft..
Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:46 am Reply with quote
I know i suck, but hey, I will chop anything when i have the time to, though i will admit I have seen a couple of sources i dont want to do anything with. Not like i been here a long time.... but im not a newbie to this stuff.. far from an artist, Im just me
ReyRey didn't piss me off.. I feel great  well cept for that vacation thing.. ^%%^#$@^!!! i want a vacation.. but even when im gone, business still follows me. The life of an electronic merchant is never on vacation.
doing upholstery for 15 years, i had no choice but to learn to take the good with the bad, cause the bad was suck @ss at best. when you are on piece rate, it makes a difference in your paycheck too.
I guess its good a like a challenge.
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Site Moderator
Location: Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette, finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet.
Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:59 am Reply with quote
I was talking to oscar, but only because he knows I'm joking.
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:22 am Reply with quote
As someone here who may not chop all the time, I do send in pictures to see if they will be selected for our contest, and more than a few have been selected, most of the time when I break out the camera, I'm thinking of all of you,the best thing in the world is to see one of us be able to create something we would have never dreamed of in a million see a lot of great chops in one contest means that the source touched something... who knows what makes it click, all I know is that if you don't like the source pictures, go out and show us what a real source looks like, and take some shots! I just sent this in,  I did not shoot it, its an old cold war photo, and IMHO, this is what I like to see in a source.
Here's another picture I did NOT take, "I wish I had", but this is a great source picture, I see all kinds of things
What is the policy on sending in pics we find online? Has anyone ever pitched a fit for PSC using online images?
Location: Australia
Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:03 am Reply with quote
I dont understand you lot, its called, not
The source is just one of the tools we are expected to use, it is part of the contest. What makes a great source is the image I create or you create with it. So stop all this bitching and bullshit and get on with what people have done here for ages, creating nice pieces of digital art.
To answer your question Paul about online images, we use to use them a lot, (remember the weekly celebrity chops) but made sure they were free to use. I beleive the decision to go for members photos was more an appealing idea than any legal issue, I may be wrong.
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:00 am Reply with quote
ReinMan wrote: ScionShade wrote: Tommeken wrote: there's nothing wrong with the source pics but i think it would be better if there was no source pic voting..let it come as it comes..then it would be a suprise for everybody...
I like that thought very much.
Yup - no warning. 2 day Advantage MAX. Chop Chop Chop.
(I hope no one wakes me from this nice dream....  )
umm . . . this from a man who doesn't chop any more? 
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: In a world of $#!t
Fri Jul 10, 2009 7:41 am Reply with quote
TJ wrote: ReyRey wrote: I was asked if it is the lack of good sources that is the reason for the decline in numbers. (now here is where I piss everyone off.)
I relied:
Good choppers can chop anything.
It's a lack of cutting edge ideas. Images that make you think and feel something. Not just how they did it but how they came up with such a genius idea and translated in an image. I gotta be honest. I find myself just voting on which image sucks the least instead of having a hard choice over which image is more awesome. Maybe I'm a prick and not politically correct but if a baseball team doesn't have at least one great player on it, the stadium seats will be empty.
There are some star players but they don't play consistantly enough to keep the people coming back for more.
I am also not saying that I am one of the greats. And I am not looking for the good ole days, just better new ones.
If I was a new visitor now, I don't think I would see anything that would make me want to join. (unless I hit it on a good day.) There should always be at least 2 kick ass images in the contest. JMHO
I find myself glancing over contests and not wanting to vote at all. I don't want to have to zoom in to see if someone did a lot of work. I want something to grab my interest and then I will take a closer look.
Maybe there have been some great images lately, but not on the days I looked. It should be consistant. You can't have a successful restaurant if the food is great one day and not the other.
Thanks for all your compliments ReyRey.... Sure makes me what to try harder.
Next time your glancing over the contests, maybe stop and think that everyone is not a good as you. Maybe they are doing the best they can and are at least chopping instead of starting threads about how everyone work sucks.

Sorry bud. I'm just being honest about my feelings. Sorry you took it personal. My favorite art professor used to tell me I sucked every day. But I knew he liked me and was trying to push my buttons to get the best out of me. He was also my biggest supporter. He saw something in me that I didn't know was there. I know everyone here loves what they are doing and are proud of the work that they do and they should be. I'm just saying (here goes the baseball analogy again) even the losing baseball teams are trying their best and should be proud when they do. But that is not going to fill the seats. I also am not saying that I am great or better than anyone else. I guess my statement should have been followed with why are the top players not coming here any more? We all are proud of what we do but the honest truth is we know when people are better than us. The guy batting at the end of the line up knows why he is last but he is still important to the team and hits a home run every now and then. I do illustration work for other illustrators that I admire. People that I know are much better than me because I want to learn from them. I know they are better than me. I do work knowing that they are going to add little touches and details that I did not think of until it is up to their standards. My image was good but they showed me that it could be outstanding with a few extra touches. Sure it bothers me when they point things out but I know I won't make that mistake again. It's almost always something I knew was wrong in my head but ignored it for some reason. I love all you guys, really I do. Maybe I should not have used the word suck but I wanted to get a reaction. I did say I was going to piss everyone off. The last time I pissed people off I got 50 people to chop that day.....I'm not even sure if I'm on the same topic anymore.  Please don't take my statements as a personal attack. It's more of a comment on our whole team, including myself. I consider myself part of this team we call PSC.
What was I talkin' bout?
I would never read my comment. It's too long and makes no sense. 
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: pfft..
Fri Jul 10, 2009 7:48 am Reply with quote
with me mainly depends on what I have going on..
today i wont have time to play much, but this weekend, who knows.
its all good.... heh.. i signed up recently, so i obviously dont have a problem with much of it.. the ideas are always there.. if I have the time on that day (cause i'm self employed) it varies from day to day. if im playing, means i wasn't working much.
i gotta respect someone who will put it out there, i know i will. read that post referencing the newbies... one of my first posts was saying hey, whats wrong with newbies new ideas and what not.
i know one thing.. i need some
_________________ ..
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:31 am Reply with quote
ReyRey give new meaning to the term stream of consciousness.
I do want to take issue with those who say the design of the home page is immaterial. It does matter.
Home builders don't house their businesses in a starter home.
Web designer's sites don't have early HTML pages with grey backgrounds and blue word links.
Auto manufacturers don't site plants on dirt roads.
The environment you place your work in says a very great deal about your work. If someone comes here for the first time there is not much here that says "We have artists here who do great images." and that is the point. Its all marketing and the home page is the packaging and we are not doing a great job on that. We are underselling ourselves and what we do here.
The PSC site is ok.
We should be better than ok.
Its that simple.
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: Photoshop Nation
Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:31 am Reply with quote
all i see in the advantage queue are awesome sources for the next month or so! get to work bunch of pansies! yes! you too rey 
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