Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - I'm going to piss people off and then go on vacation. - Reply to topic
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Location: southern California
Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:05 pm Reply with quote
YerPalAl wrote:
anabe wrote:
I have always admired ReyRey's work and exceptional skills, and have no doubt he's a "good guy". But that doesn't mean I have to accept this "tough love" method, without saying something to the contrary, right??
I'm always grateful for "useful critique", but I think it's NOT encouraging to anyone, especially not to new members, to occasionally "glance" at the daily contest and vote for those that "suck the least". How's that constructive?
A. Slap him back, but do it with love.
B. Like I said, its tough love, but everyone gets it sometimes. Anabe, saying something sucks less is not an unheard of comment, If it really hurts your feeling, just remember this,
"ReyRey's an ignoramus with a really tiny dink."
And it will make you feel better . . . . I promise.
All kidding aside, (not that I was kidding about the ignoramus part), just as a passing point, look at the passion ReyRey has stirred up. There has been great enthusiasm and passions stirred and some people who haven't chopped recently might and some people might take a longer look at what they do. A lot of us wish Rey would try a different tact to stir things up . . . . . a lot of us, Rey,  but he did stir up a lot of emotion.
You have to admit that.
You have any doubt I "slapped him" back with love?
]Art appreciation is very subjective, and I don't think his broad brush critique is the right thing to do. I know you all tell me that's the way it's done here. OK, got it.
I wasn't personally insulted, and I don't chop to get votes or a pat on the back from the masters.
And yes, a lot of emotions got stirred up.
How that will translate into better chops or more participation in general, remains to be seen.
BTW, I thought TJ's winning entry in the waste contest was a great idea, and was very well executed.
Nothing to complain about here!
Location: pfft..
Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:06 pm Reply with quote
i didn't come to this site for people to tiptoe and sugar coat. i like when people say what they have to say, and often i lose respect with people when they tiptoe in person, just say it already.. spit it out.
I came here to have fun, compete (though i suck and i know it), learn (which no one has critiqued one word to me), make friends, enemies, or whatever else, its all part of the scene.. i will improve regardless, but guidance is good.. i wont get mad.
im not an easily offended person who cries when someone is constructive with me.. makes me better.. I didnt build
I learned how to drive race car style by slamming my gocart into trees, jump my bike the right way after multiple trips to the hospital, and learned how not to cut my fingers with scissors by finding that shit hurts when i cut myself by mistake.. next time i know my finger dont need to be there because there was a goof... but i only found this because i was bleeding, or messed up in some way.. learn and cultivate..
If you wanna tell me mine sucks, go for it.. then tell me what helps, and if i spot something i dont like, i can return the favor..
now, its 10:00 and im going to go mow the rest of my grass (i am a night person, and the lawnmower has headlights for a reason) I have grass in places that is taller than I am (though im not exactly a giant)
I found a project car bureid under the grass if that tells ya anything.
_________________ ..
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:17 pm Reply with quote
Things are getting better already!
Just remember ReyRey has the people skills of Attilla the Hun and it will all make sense.
Sort of like the "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" commercial with iron flails.
Good night folks. 
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: Geordieland, UK
Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:26 pm Reply with quote
Rey, it's not that they hate you, it's that they don't understand you. There is a big thing about the oldies against the noobs! That is true but we don't hate all noobs. Just the ones that have been here 5 minutes and think they know the site, and on some occasions want to change it to what they think is right! PFFFT!!! You have to EARN your badges!!! Too many noobs want instant success! It doesn't work like that! Face reality and put some effort in and you might get some respect. That's my rant done I think! 
Location: Australia
Sat Jul 11, 2009 12:03 am Reply with quote
My last worn on this thread
Beating people over the head to get results has never worked well. Even I took offence to some of the things 2rey has stated with in this thread. PSC has lost its heart and bullshit calls for attention to problems wont solve the problems.
You guys just come of the back of the H2h, and the scavhunt two well executed and managed fun PSC only things, but its never enough is it. Ok the daily contests have slowed and its not up to some peoples expectations, but at least there are people trying to do the best they can, if be open and in the PSC public eye, or behind the scenes make the effort to make things work.
The last thing we need in the front window is great threads like this that pull this place apart more then keep it together
This place has become so divided that even I feel I have no place here any more, I dont agree with stepping lightly, many threads will prove that, but stomping your feet once in a while does not work either. Anfa said you have to earn your badges and he is right, but we have to help those that want to stitch those badges on there sleeves.
I love PSC, its that simple but I hate threads like this that cause more damage than good. Yep we all have opinions and we are all entitled to them but some times voicing them is not the best course of action.
This thread started as a discussion on source images and if you read thru i tried to keep about source images but as is the way with PSC it stretch and now its about Rey and why we all hate him and the old verses the new and all the old bullshit that draws this place down once more.
Here is a Quote from a respected PSC member.
Quote: When I first started voting I was looking for perfection. I was not using a lot of votes. I work as a digital artist and an illustrator but I am also the boss. I get paid to pick apart images and tell people what is good and what is bad. If I don't like it, it does not go out the door. I approached PSC with this attitude. Then I realized. People are doing this for fun. There are all kinds of skill levels here. You have to look at the individual pieces for what they are. If you see someone really improving over time, that person deserves a pat on the back and a vote. My stuff was not perfect either (still isn't). I was experimenting with ideas. I was not sure what people were looking for (still don't). Then I decided to just do it and have fun. I do like images with effects in them like rain, snow, blood, etc., if they are done well and not overdone.
You can read there profile here.
I you read this Rey its not an attack on you but an opinion on your methods, remember I as you are entitled to have an opinion.
Location: Northern California
Sat Jul 11, 2009 12:20 am Reply with quote
We can write a book out of this thread and it would be best seller 
Site Moderator
Location: Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette, finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet.
Sat Jul 11, 2009 12:46 am Reply with quote
Can we get a tl;dr version please? Honestly, I wanna read all of it, but it feels like I've read it 1,000 times already.
Sat Jul 11, 2009 4:24 am Reply with quote
I have an opinion now
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Sat Jul 11, 2009 7:13 am Reply with quote
ReyRey wrote: I can't believe people are so quick to hate me.
Really?? Oh well..I would apologize but I'll probably screw it up with a punch line that nobody gets.
Forgive me. WWJD?
I don't hate u, I was just really unimpressed by your choice of words! but then u knew what u was doing by the title, 'I know i'm going to piss people off' so why cry because u did piss people off?
and for the record, |I have no intentions of leaving because of this thread!  You do have alot of influrence because of the high standard of your work, but not that much 
Location: Belgium
Sat Jul 11, 2009 7:35 am Reply with quote
Grefix wrote: I have an opinion now
ok shoot what's your opinion?
i think maybe now it's just time to move on to the next thread (or go choppin)
we all know now that ReyRey didn't want to hurt people en has the best intrests for this site...and we also know sometimes he says stuff without thinking...
blablabla we all forgive ReyRey and bla bla bla...
now go choppin and do the best you can to make at least 2 good entry's for each contest...
if i had the time i would do exact the same
peace to all of you and may the force be with you

Location: In a world of $#!t
Sat Jul 11, 2009 9:14 am Reply with quote
blue_lurker wrote: My last worn on this thread
Beating people over the head to get results has never worked well. Even I took offence to some of the things 2rey has stated with in this thread. PSC has lost its heart and bullshit calls for attention to problems wont solve the problems.
You guys just come of the back of the H2h, and the scavhunt two well executed and managed fun PSC only things, but its never enough is it. Ok the daily contests have slowed and its not up to some peoples expectations, but at least there are people trying to do the best they can, if be open and in the PSC public eye, or behind the scenes make the effort to make things work.
The last thing we need in the front window is great threads like this that pull this place apart more then keep it together
This place has become so divided that even I feel I have no place here any more, I dont agree with stepping lightly, many threads will prove that, but stomping your feet once in a while does not work either. Anfa said you have to earn your badges and he is right, but we have to help those that want to stitch those badges on there sleeves.
I love PSC, its that simple but I hate threads like this that cause more damage than good. Yep we all have opinions and we are all entitled to them but some times voicing them is not the best course of action.
This thread started as a discussion on source images and if you read thru i tried to keep about source images but as is the way with PSC it stretch and now its about Rey and why we all hate him and the old verses the new and all the old bullshit that draws this place down once more.
Here is a Quote from a respected PSC member.
Quote: When I first started voting I was looking for perfection. I was not using a lot of votes. I work as a digital artist and an illustrator but I am also the boss. I get paid to pick apart images and tell people what is good and what is bad. If I don't like it, it does not go out the door. I approached PSC with this attitude. Then I realized. People are doing this for fun. There are all kinds of skill levels here. You have to look at the individual pieces for what they are. If you see someone really improving over time, that person deserves a pat on the back and a vote. My stuff was not perfect either (still isn't). I was experimenting with ideas. I was not sure what people were looking for (still don't). Then I decided to just do it and have fun. I do like images with effects in them like rain, snow, blood, etc., if they are done well and not overdone.
You can read there profile here.
I you read this Rey its not an attack on you but an opinion on your methods, remember I as you are entitled to have an opinion.
Read What? JK
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: In a world of $#!t
Sat Jul 11, 2009 9:34 am Reply with quote
I'm not crying over people getting pissed.
There was a though process behind the title
of this thread. The title should have been,
Quote: " I'm going to tell the truth because People are
asking why less people are chopping and voting.But nobody is being
really honest because they are afraid of the backlash. You can't blame the sources. I hope nobody
gets pissed.I hope they read it and understand.
but I know more fragile personalities are going to get pissed anyways..
But I'm going to tell the truth anyways."
But that is too long of a title.
Did anyone get anything valuable from this thread
or was it a total failure.
Am I really the only one who feels this way??
I doubt it.
I'm done now. I really do consider you all family.
I hope you know that.
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: On Deck, South by Southeast
Sat Jul 11, 2009 9:41 am Reply with quote
Aw, that's IT!!
I'm not reading this thread anymore.
Oh wait, (takes hands off of ears) that only works with LISTENING . . . . . .
_________________ YerPalAl
I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.
Location: East Coast!
Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:01 am Reply with quote
I think this whole thread is an excuse for Rey to show off his stinkin' huge H2H winner signature.
_________________ Look out behind you!
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