Procyon wrote:
Good morning from Sweaty Old Vancouver Area!
Okay - I've been a Spyder man

for years now. There is no way your eye is gonna do the job. Don't take it personally... it is just that our brain colour corrects so well that even a bad monitor set up starts looking correct after a few minutes. That is where a colour calibration device comes in. It measure WAVELENGTHS (the thing that makes us see colours) in a clean scientific way. No "brain" interpretation".
There are a few different devices out there and they all do the same basic thing. The only one I've tried that sucked was a thing called the HUEY (looks like a fat pen that you stick on your monitor) - but I hear they've improved it now too.
Yes - oh my gawd - these things cost money!

but you are at a point where you are MAKING MONEY from your computer graphics work. So INVEST IN BEING GOOD at what you do and get one of these things. You can get a Spyder2 quite affordably now, though the SPyder3 is really nice and does its work much faster than the #2 model.
(note: these things are very cool - i've got my wife's computer, my laptop, and my desktop calibrated and images LOOK THE SAME ON ALL OF THEM. I even calibrated my mom-in-law's crappy $200 used laptop and it looks pretty darned close to the good monitors now!)
Okay - I've got to go find a refridgerator to crawl into (I'm gonna have to start a thread on The Killer Heat Wave Of 2009 soon...

) so PM me if you have any questions on this stuff. And be glad I didnt' recommend the 400 page book on Colour Management that I told YerPalAl to get... now that is a Fun Read, let me tell you! Start with the colour calibrator device - it will solve 87% of your prolems out of the box.

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!