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Location: my special place
Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:36 pm Reply with quote
Create your own adventure: continue the the story...
Jen woke up still shivering and shaking form the vivid images of the dream she had last night. She sat at the end of her bed with the medication bottle in her hand... "I have to stop taking this shit" she says to herself. She looks out the window and thinks.... "great another grey day in paradise..." Jen stumbles out of her room still drowsy from sleeping and walks into the bathroom to clean up for work.
Jen walks out of her house as she looks at her car... "what a piece of junk" she thinks to herself... "I'm so glad they gave that promotion to Rick instead of me last month... I could have used the extra money". Jen turns the key to the ignition knowing very well that it will probably take two or three tries to get it started and then pulls down the road... As she pulls onto Providence St, a car swirves around her with a middle finger pertuding from the driver side window. "Jerk" she screams as she slams on the brakes...
Location: Las Vegas Baby!
Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:50 pm Reply with quote
Thinking quickly, Jen looked at the license plate of the speeding red Corvette. She saw 5150 in big blue numbers. Was that some kind of a joke she thought top herself? The angry honking from other motorists brought her back to reality. She was stopped at a green light.
To the left was her favorite morning stop, Lardasses Donuts, To the right, The Tasteslikepoo Healthfood Store. She felt bad for choosing left, Especially knowing she didn't get the last promotion because Her lesbian boss Lisa didn't like fatties.
_________________ chop chop
Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:52 pm Reply with quote
Jen's obesity had always been her main source of depression. She had tried every fad diet in every magazine and infomercial that she came across, but nothing seemed to help.
She could already detect a sweet aroma as she pulled into the parking lot. The smell of those delicious baked pastries penetrated her nostrils causing her stomach to ache for that first succulent bite.
Opening the car door, she hoisted herself out of the drivers seat and waddled like a overstuffed penguin to the entrance of the donut shop. Just as she neared the door, a small glittering object on the sidewalk caught her eye.
Location: Florida
Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:02 pm Reply with quote
She hesitated for a moment, not usually one to be so quickly distracted by any little thing- especially when it came between her and her morning meal.
She stared at the glittering object for a moment silently, her head tilted to the side. What could possibly have her so curious? She took a couple of steps forward,
when another vehicle came flying across the parking lot, causing her to double back and nearly fall on her backside.
"Asshole!!" she yelled, the black truck honking its horn and speeding off onto the street, only having used the parking lot to avoid the last stop light.
"This is not my day for traffic" she thought, still bewildered.
She'd forgotten about the object, and headed inside.
Location: ...down at the bottom of a pit in the blazing sun...
Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:21 pm Reply with quote
As she entered she remembered the shiny object. Turning she barrelled over others who were also entering for their morning delights. Back outside she searched for the shiny prize. Upon finding it her eyes widened when she realized it was a dime. Times are tough, she thought and moved closer to retreive the money. As she did she felt a wave of disappointed to find that it was a Canadian dime. She shrugged it off thinking seven cents is seven cents as she put it in her pocket and returned inside.
_________________ Be safe,
The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.
Location: California
Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:23 pm Reply with quote
But there on the table of the booth she always used a glimmer again. As she neared it grew in intensity, hypnotizing her. Until she reached for it. Then....
Location: Florida
Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:35 pm Reply with quote
She reared back, screeching in pain as she burned her hand on the heat lamp that kept her precious breakfast warm and waiting for her.
The baker looked at her in annoyance and huffed, as this wasn't at all an unusual sight when it camed to Jen.
"How many should I stick back in the oven this time?!" he asked rudely, insinuating that she'd eat most of what was out. He knew that she likely wouldn't catch that he wasn't joking.
Location: ...down at the bottom of a pit in the blazing sun...
Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:42 pm Reply with quote
Jen tried to answer the semmingly easy question when from her mouth flowed a litney of profanities. Unable to stop them and almost drowned out by the blare of her own screaming voice she thought she had the tourettes under control.
_________________ Be safe,
The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.
Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:40 pm Reply with quote
Realizing that her tourettes was back, Jen ran out of the donut shop crying with embarrassment. The ground shook beneath her enormous weight.
Then upon exiting, she remembered her donuts. She ran back inside crying and grabbed her donuts. She ran back outside again.
As she stopped to catch her breath, she watched the cars driving up and down the street. She wondered if she should just end it all by jumping in front of the speeding traffic.
Location: Florida
Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:49 pm Reply with quote
However, before she even had time to finish her thought, the asshole that whipped through the parking lot earlier slammed on it's breaks and knocked her straight off her feet!
Jen laid unconscious on the ground, not looking to be dead but definitely not going anywhere any time soon.
The man in the truck cursed as he threw his truck into park and stepped down onto the pavement.
Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:55 pm Reply with quote
"You fat lardass bitch!" the man shouted. "Why didn't you watch where you were going?"
Jen slowly woke up, immobile due to the enormous weight from her rolls of fat keeping her pinned to the asphalt. Blood trickling down the slant of the street into the gutter.
"Help me." Jen pleaded.
Location: Doncaster, UK
Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:05 pm Reply with quote
he stood there in amazment at the size of he dent in the front of his truck as he looked at jen laid there on the ground and seemed to recognise her but as another name he seemend to think he knew her from fat camp the girl he first fell for her name was .................rondo
Location: Florida
Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:20 pm Reply with quote
*the orchestra plays fearfully, and the screen spirals outwardly before fading to black*
Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:44 pm Reply with quote
kittie wrote: *the orchestra plays fearfully, and the screen spirals outwardly before fading to black*
Aww Kittie, you ended the story? It was just getting good. 
Location: my special place
Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:56 pm Reply with quote
Chopper wrote: kittie wrote: *the orchestra plays fearfully, and the screen spirals outwardly before fading to black*
Aww Kittie, you ended the story? It was just getting good. 
hey great story ladies and gents kept me entertained all day long!!!
Can anyone create a picture for the story???
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