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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - N.G.S.P. misses you - Reply to topic


Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box

Post Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:37 am   Reply with quote         

just a quick update on what i've been doing and experiencing the last 6 months. 1st off i want to say sorry to anybody i've let down. please forgive me.

as you all know im a wild guy that always gets myself into trouble. i drink, i smoke, and then i smoke (if ya know what i mean)

i have finally retired from sk8'n after 23 years. sk8'n will always remain in my heart. its just when i eat assault/ concrete i dont bounce up anymore.

over the past year i've found a new addictive sport called DISCGOLF. i've lost 28 pounds and now in the best shape i've ever been at. im 31 now and weigh less than i did in high school.

i've ditched all the people that get me into trouble. but alast i can't seem to ditch this troublesome cloud!!!! i had my car repo'd last month and payed a pretty penny to get it back (DONT EVER GET A LOAN THROUGH WACHOVIA).

for the last 3 days i''ve sat in the dark. i had my power shut off . it was kinda like camping without was kinda fun at first... but when u go to take a shit/shower/shave/etc... the showers are cold and the shaves are blinded. but i have to admit the shitting was very pimp like w/ all the candels around lol.

anyways i love ya all... i can't guarantee you that i'll be around tomorrow but i really wanted to keep you ladies and gents up to par.

sleep well/have a good day.

your friend Wink



PSC is like a gang... i got beat in... if i leave... they'll beat me off!!!


Post Sat Aug 15, 2009 7:05 am   Reply with quote         


Location: On Deck, South by Southeast

Post Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:40 am   Reply with quote         

Man, sorry about the tough times, but the good thing is they'lll provide lots of laughs someday once you get through them.

Hope its not too long until you are back on your feet.

I'm highly motivated to be un-ambitious today.


Location: around

Post Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:17 am   Reply with quote         

I miss you! Take care! Hug


Location: ...down at the bottom of a pit in the blazing sun...

Post Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:40 am   Reply with quote         


Glad to hear about the good stuff!

Prayers to you for the rest.

Be safe,

Be safe,

The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.

Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack

Post Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:03 pm   Reply with quote         

Dude, go to the good-will..or wheatever thrift shop you guys have and find some old oil lamps, about a-buck each...the oil is fairly cheap. Burns for days and has hella-light. Compaired to a candle anyway.

The Gas grill makes for a great "make do" kitchen stove. Even heats coffee which is pretty important.

Put a 5 gallon bucket of water with a lid in the sun during the will get hot enough to use in the shower that evening.

Buy a twist flash ligh/radio. You twist a builds up a electrical charge and runs for a few minutes. Great to have when the power goes out.

Spread those candles in the bathroom out from around the bowl. We don't want to read where you were caught up in a giant METHANE fire. Wink

Just keep getting up man, sooner or later they may get tired of punching. blackeye

Post Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:00 pm   Reply with quote         

just a quick update on what i've been doing and experiencing the last 6 months. 1st off i want to say sorry to anybody i've let down. please forgive me.

as you all know im a wild guy that always gets myself into trouble. i drink, i smoke, and then i smoke (if ya know what i mean)

i have finally retired from sk8'n after 23 years. sk8'n will always remain in my heart. its just when i eat assault/ concrete i dont bounce up anymore.

over the past year i've found a new addictive sport called DISCGOLF. i've lost 28 pounds and now in the best shape i've ever been at. im 31 now and weigh less than i did in high school.

i've ditched all the people that get me into trouble. but alast i can't seem to ditch this troublesome cloud!!!! i had my car repo'd last month and payed a pretty penny to get it back (DONT EVER GET A LOAN THROUGH WACHOVIA).

for the last 3 days i''ve sat in the dark. i had my power shut off . it was kinda like camping without was kinda fun at first... but when u go to take a shit/shower/shave/etc... the showers are cold and the shaves are blinded. but i have to admit the shitting was very pimp like w/ all the candels around lol.

anyways i love ya all... i can't guarantee you that i'll be around tomorrow but i really wanted to keep you ladies and gents up to par.

sleep well/have a good day.

your friend Wink


been there with the candles, things do get brighter tho Wink
if u ditched the people who got u in trouble, then u did good, now the only way is up Smile its just shit sometimes getting there Laughing Laughing
anyway now i'm going have a smoke Wink
take care and see u soon
ps whats discgolf?

Paul Von Stetina

Location: Deep Shit

Post Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:08 pm   Reply with quote         

Hang in there brother Wink when I quit sk8ing, I took up surfing, water is softer than concrete, but surfboards aint cheap, now I have 5 and don't even surf anymore... Crying or Very sad a few hurricane seasons ago, my power went out for over 2 weeks before it was restored, it sucks like a hoover on steroids, stay focused and do whatevr you can to get back on track, I think most all of us are hurting now, things will turn around. Wink


Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box

Post Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:21 pm   Reply with quote         

thanks for the kind words Hug


PSC is like a gang... i got beat in... if i leave... they'll beat me off!!!

Location: Australia

Post Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:27 pm   Reply with quote         

Hurry up and get your skinny ass back here and do some more choppin'!


Location: On the way to Utopia!

Post Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:56 pm   Reply with quote         

bigbuck wrote:
Hurry up and get your skinny ass back here and do some more choppin'!

Listen to BB!!!

Hug Wink

A computer on candle power whowww!


Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:43 pm   Reply with quote         

Matt, you basterd!

You must be about 2.5 feet tall now if you lost all that weight! You was a skinny runt last time I saw you Laughing and now you are a tough SMALLER skinny runt, I bet! Twisted Evil

Seriously, hang in there dude. It is always darkest before the cheesecake is served!

Love ya man - and I thank you again for turning me onto the discGolf! Got myself 7 disks now - and I'll be fricked if they ALL won't fly where I throw them!!! Wink Laughing



the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!

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