I've calmed somewhat. Wait'll you hear this story though.
This morning I get a 800# call on my cell that I let slide to voice mail (they tried to call twice). A bit later my wife calls me at work to tell me that there's a call about my card. A while back there was a scam that hit our bank where the caller would get the victim to read off the card numbers so we're wary of that.
Anyway I call the number and quickly realize that it's true and my debit card had indeed been compromised. Card services tells me that four of the charges were physical swipes of the card (meaning that the thief made a counterfeit of my card). Three charges were for "Retail Alliance" for over $400. Another was for $269 at a Walmart in California. They put a block on my card and tell me to contact the bank.
I call the bank and tell the first person that answered the phone that my card has been compromised and blocked and that any suspicious activity on my account should not be honored. She tells me that "a merchant in the area has had their security compromised" and that "a lot of our customers have been affected". I'm told to file a police report and bring a copy to them to dispute the charges and get the overdraft fees reimbursed.
So I call the police and tell the dispatcher that my debit card has been compromised and that there's fraudulent charges. First words out of her mouth, I swear it's true, were "Do you bank at XYZ credit union?". Indeed I do bank at that specific credit union. The responding officer also tells me that there are a bunch of XYZ customers who bank there that have been hit.
I'm now starting to think that XYZ Credit Union is the "merchant" who's security was compromised.

Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey