The new, updated version of this thread can now be found here:
Add your names below please, if you want your name removing PM me,
1. Adrian Estrada = Oscar
2. Anna Jonkers = annajon
3. Anthony 'anfa' Robinson = anfa
4. Bill Shackford = mightybeet
5. Blue Lurker = Blue Lurker
6. Bob Kingdom = MindGraph
7. Bogdan Bratu = Bogonet
8. Brad Buckle = bigbuck
9. Brady Blake = GravyBoat
10. Brandan Neises = Bneises
11. Brandon Patten = Bsoholic
12. Brian Whitcombe = Wiz
13. Caf Chocoholic = cafn8d
14. Chad Doughty = Doodler!
15. Chris Rashley = Rashdog
16. Chris Swearingen = Tofuthegreat
17. Claude Lafrance = Claf
18. Conrad Sambat = Conaircan
19. Dave Ellsworth = dewking
20. David Limjuco = lord david
21. Dorothy Vermeire = dot
22. Douglas Seeley = Seelcraft
23. Eric Head = chopper
24. Fabio Grachiki = Arcaico
25. Glen Unsworth = sonic3
26. Granulated Andy = Granulated
27. Huub van Buul = Huub666
28. Irena Sirenka Spasovska = Sirenka
29. James Stevens = Pothed
30. Jeff Mansell = Jkmansel
31. Jerry Hamilton = Jerryhami
32. Jim Heinlein = Heinlein
33. Joe Velez = EvilTigr
34. Joey Myers = scionshade
35. John E Marcone = xovlov
36. Kayla Rairigh = kittie
37. Kimmer Guccione = DaKimmer
38. Leif Anderson = leif
39. Luka malenšek = Malnsk
40. Mario Cappellano = Dechene
41. Mark Kenneth Wright = Marxman
42. Mark Perkins = marcoballistic
43. Marta Chade = Xademart
44. Marty Koppert = Martrex
45. Mason Fortherie = Mason4300
46. Mel Lamprill = Mel47
47. Melanie Cooper = mellowdesign
48. Michael Shupert = MonkeeDrummer
49. Michel Larue = L@rue
50. Nancy Morris = nancers
51. Nathan Grant = Nat_g31
52. Neil Ortego = Cartoon Contractor
53. Nick Drakoulakos = Infected
54. Paula Dwyer = Pollyo
55. Pete Slabek = polish mafia
56. Reinier DeSmit = reinman
57. Rey Michaud = reyrey
58. Robin Brookman = missrobin
59. Ron Quinlin = synthvet
60. Sage Graphics = sage
61. Sandi Gratiot Thompson = Cambria
62. Shannon Egan Orphanides = square
63. Splodge rox = splodge
64. Stef McFeters = mezopunk
65. Stephen Evans = digitalphero
66. Stephen Fox = billy tv
67. Stuart Morrow = Irishstew
68. Sye TenBruggencate = Canuck <ş)))><
69. Terrence Campbell = beefhead
70. Tesore = Tesore
71. Tina-marie Neale = hellsg8
72. Todd Oltmanns = Azionite
73. Tom stiner = St1n3r
74. Tom Van Wuytswinkel = Tommeken
75. Tony David = grefix
76. Trace Gomez = 16ozbud
77. Wesley Gregory = volkswes
78. Yael Shapira = Nevet
The other way round
1. 16ozbud = Trace Gomez
2. Anfa = Anthony 'anfa' Robinson
3. Annajon = Anna Jonkers
4. Arcaico = Fabio Grachiki
5. Azionite = Todd Oltmanns
6. Beefhead = Terrence Campbell
7. Bigbuck = Brad Buckle
8. Billy tv = Stephen Fox
9. Blue Lurker = Blue Lurker
10. Bneises = Brandan Neises
11. Bogonet = Bogdan Bratu
12. Bsoholic = Brandon Patten
13. Cafn8d = Caf Chocoholic
14. Cambria = Sandi Gratiot Thompson
15. Canuck <ş)))>< = Sye TenBruggencate
16. Cartoon Contractor = Neil Ortego
17. Chopper = Eric Head
18. Claf = Claude Lafrance
19. Conaircan = Conrad Sambat
20. DaKimmer = Kimmer Guccione
21. Dechene = Mario Cappellano
22. Dewking = Dave Ellsworth
23. Digitalphero = Stephen Evans
24. Doodler! = Chad Doughty
25. Dot = Dorothy Vermeire
26. EvilTigr = Joe Velez
27. Granulated = Granulated Andy
28. GravyBoat = Brady Blake
29. Grefix = Tony David
30. Heinlein = Jim Heinlein
31. Hellsg8 = Tina-marie Neale
32. Huub666 = Huub van Buul
33. Infected = Nick Drakoulakos
34. Irishstew = Stuart Morrow
35. Jerryhami = Jerry Hamilton
36. Jkmansell=Jeff Mansell
37. Kittie = Kayla Rairigh
38. L@rue = L@rue Michel
39. Leif = Leif Anderson
40. Lord david = David Limjuco
41. Malnsk = Luka malenšek
42. Marcoballistic = Mark Perkins
43. Martrex= Marty Koppert
44. Marxman = Mark Kenneth Wright
45. Mason4300 = Mason Fortherie
46. Mel47=Mel Lamprill
47. Mellowdesign = Melanie Cooper
48. Mezopunk = Stef McFeters
49. Mightybeet = Bill Shackford
50. MindGraph = Bob Kingdom
51. Missrobin = Robin Brookman
52. MonkeeDrummer = Michael Shupert
53. Nancers = Nancy Morris
54. Nat_g31=Nathan Grant
55. Nevet = Yael Shapira
56. Oscar = Adrian Estrada
57. Polish mafia = Pete Slabek
58. Pollyo = Paula Dwyer
59. Pothed = James Stevens
60. Rashdog = Chris Rashley
61. Reinman = Reinier DeSmit
62. Reyrey = Rey Michaud
63. Sage Sage = Graphics
64. Scionshade = Joey Myers
65. Seelcraft = Douglas Seeley
66. Sirenka = Irena Sirenka Spasovska
67. Sonic3 = Glen Unsworth
68. Splodge = splodge rox
69. Square = Shannon Egan Orphanides
70. St1n3r = Tom stiner
71. Synthvet = Ron Quinlin
72. Tesore = Tesore
73. Tofuthegreat = Chris Swearingen
74. Tommeken = Tom Van Wuytswinkel
75. Volkswes = Wesley Gregory
76. Wiz = Brian Whitcombe
77. Xademart = Marta Chade
78. Xovlov = John E Marcone
I'm too good to you lot
great work guys keep them coming, if you know anyone elses post them too, started this thread for Blue Lurker = Blue Lurker, he's Australian, a bit thick and has probems remembering names