Rjamesjr wrote:
Anymore news?????
Yeh! The cost of replacement passports nearly equal the cost of the damn return flight to NZ!!!!
Those thieving Pommy Bastards are now charging $317 for a
replacement dammit.
Plus you have to download all their app forms in a DIY exercise, it's just too bad if you don't happen to have a computer
or own a crappy printer to print with.(Thank God for PS experience here;-)
My first set of Passport photo's were rejected by the Pommy Proxy agent -
'The Australian Post Office' as being too large!
Do you believe A WHOLE TWO MILLIMETRES can upset their sensitive immigration scanners, give me a break.
Apparently the ones I had taken are OK only for Aussie Passports, but oh no not the Brits, who as usual have their own rules.
So I had to have one of the kind ladies at the Post Office take some new ones of me with the 'Official Box Brownie Polaroid' with 4 lenses. They looked terrible and cost another $12.50 for something that made me look like Boris Karloff on a bad day in a X-Rated B Movie
Any News you ask, the answer is yes. I don't plan on returning to the 'Old Dart' for a long, long time, as I nearly forgot what drove me to emigrate in the first place those many years ago...
but now it all comes flooding back to me in spades!
Now Splodge, Andy and the rest of you poor suffering Pommy Bastards, get on down to Australia House in the Strand and make that appointment
NOW!... as I can't bear to see my friends suffer at the hands of all those Whitehall Quangoes any longer!
