You pommy bugger,
We talked about this so many times in MSN, and we had a deal mate we both agreed, “No sudden disappearances from PSC”. I guess you have a good reason so I’m letting you off this time OK. Mate I’m going to miss the hell out of you.
So I guess this is it mate your one last ride, and what a trip it has been for you and the many others that you have touched in your life, both in the real world and in the cyberworld. Mate you have made such a difference in so many peoples lives and especially to mine.
I remember the first time I e-met you it was in chat and it was a long time ago and we chatted about surfing. It was like we had been mates forever, over the years I think we had all the typical ups and downs of any mateship good bad and freakin annoyingly fustigating we argued, laughed, had fun and picked on the Morons.
You were so many things to so many people, A lover and friend to Tina, a father and a grandfather, (weather you like it or not), a friend to so many in both worlds, a flasher (He knows what I mean), friend to badgers, spam monkey, a moderator, mentor, web designer, computer repair man, scavhunt king, keeper of the class photo, digital artist, vodka drinking, no shit taking good mate.
You were always there when needed and you were needed a lot by a lot of people, yeah you’re a grumpy old bugger and ya hates stupidity but shit, you never said no when people needed help that you could give. PSC, Hallcross, facebook and so many game sites are going to be the lesser for you not being around. For me there will always be a hollow echo around PSC adchat in them late hours, when few people are around and not much happening I would wonder if you were awake, playin face book games or just looking around your beloved PSC. It will be a colder place there now but you are more than welcome to haunt adchat any time you want mate, I will keep a look out for ya.K.
Last but not least I want others to post here and remember, smile and tell us what splodge meant to you post a quote or photo or chop, its about remembering.
I know you hated long threads, and Im sorry this is so long mate. I will end this with the one thing you always told me, and man it is more true now than ever before.