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Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:44 am Reply with quote
Thanks ReinDude and everyone else. Was a lot of fun. Some really great ideas/entries as well.
Like I agreed before... it shouldn't be speed chop.
I like Old Skool or what I said... Non Advantage Day. Old Skool sounds much cooler though.
Yes its a game of get it in quick. but like others said, sounds like you're supposed to make a sloppy quick entry. Or maybe we had it all wrong and was supposed to be entries all going fast
all I know is... its a great Idea, and we need more days like these whatever we call em
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Sun Oct 11, 2009 10:53 am Reply with quote
Well, in truth, Speed Chop day was (kinda supposed to maybe be) about FAST and NOT so beautiful chops.
Some of us Old Timers™ really enjoyed a good ROUGH chopping  and very funny ideas. Speed was important to get onto the posted list before Anfa did. And we were NOT worried about the quality of the chop so much.
One thing some of us Old Timers™ find LESS exciting about this site now is that it seems like EVERY entry must be Ad Agency Quality. And, in truth, with a whole MONTH to chop the entries SHOULD be good, even from the beginners.
So SPEED CHOP day was conceived to go back to (as some of you have called it) Old School days where we were all okay with being beginners but had "professional" ideas and very little time to get it all together.
AND... it will be what it will be for each and every individual here...
Just trying to let you know why "SPEED CHOP" is a name that most of us Old Timers™ understand. 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Sun Oct 11, 2009 1:16 pm Reply with quote
seamusoisin wrote:
Naw Naw Naw - you got me all wrong!
I'm talking PSC Old Timer - as in 1/2 decade or more on this site!
Trust me, my Near-Enough-To-Hamilton-To-Smell-It friend, 50 feels just FINE to me. Wouldn't trade nuthin at this point!
And I'm not disagreeing with you: YOU are OLD.  I will NOT take away your Grampyness from you... 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Australia
Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:58 pm Reply with quote
I just got paid so here's my two cents:
How about a bright red border or have the entry title in red (or blue or yellow or poo brown) for each entry that was entered in the first 2 hours of the speed chop comp?
That way you can take it into account when you vote, instead of thinking:
"this entry is a nice idea but looks a bit dodgy, no vote",
you can say:
"this entry is a nice idea, and wow, look what they achieved in just 2 hours, you get a vote"
You don't have to think those exact sentences but you get what I mean yeah?? 
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:33 am Reply with quote
Fair enough ReinDude. Regardless of what we call it, IMPO the actual contest is great.
When I posted, I did put in my authors notes how long it took to do my entry.
1hr 30min. That was actually the time I posted my image with regard to when the contest started...
The actual time worked on said image was more like 30-45min.
The rest of the time was used to figure out what it was I wanted to do with a bunch of balls
How bout we change the name to
Shortened Time Under Pressure Day
or S.T.U.P.D.
I'll get off your lawn now

Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:19 am Reply with quote
I don't want any changes. I like Oldskool speed chop day. And my entry was up and updated within one hour after the contest opened. And I don't think my chop looks unfinished at all. Plus, I had a lot more work on it, trying out stuff, before I got the look it eventually had, so...... I don't get the complaints.
If you are still getting hung up over the voting on the first our of the competition, don't......... Why? Because there are only a few people on the site when the competition opens and most of them come back to vote on chops that are on later, like the next day - or the next after that.
Unless they are me, I forget to vote very often. People should tell me I forget, but they never do........ 
Location: Augusta, Georgia
Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:30 am Reply with quote
ReinMan wrote: Damn it, you've ALL missed the POINT!
What EVER you post must look like it is going VERY VERY FAST!!!
Not sloppy. Not quick. I just must LOOK VERY VERY FAST.
I know you know what I'm talkin about - don't play COY with the ReinMan.
Now - next time I want to see some SERIOUS MOTION BLUR on the next SPEED CHOP ENTRIES!!!
P.S. I might not be totally correct in this explanation. Please, no wagering. And neuter your pets~! 
I got it....
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:05 pm Reply with quote
TheShaman wrote: ...
I'll get off your lawn now

 You are always welcome on my lawn, dude. As long as I see TWO beers in plain view as you approach!
MindGraph wrote: ReinMan wrote: Damn it, you've ALL missed the POINT!
... ...
Now - next time I want to see some SERIOUS MOTION BLUR on the next SPEED CHOP ENTRIES!!! 
I got it....
Yes Yes! Damn it man, YOU'VE GOT IT!
(now, if they ever have a tricycle in the SOURCE images on SpeedChopDay, you'll be ready to go and I promise you (specially after you send me that $check$ in the mail  ) you'll be in the top 10 ! 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:28 pm Reply with quote
annajon wrote: I don't want any changes. I like Oldskool speed chop day.
Don't think we be talking about the same thing here anna. None want the 'contest' part changed.
We all like the 'contest', as it is quite enjoyable says I.
Talking bout changing the name "speed chop" to describe the contest more accurately tis all...
Looks like its been changed to OldSkool Speed Chop!
First rounds on me ReinDude!
too bad the next one is on a Sunday though... I won't be able to participate 
Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:31 pm Reply with quote
but.... but......... I thought it was Old Skool chop now, not speed chop anylonger
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:33 pm Reply with quote
I think we should call it "Walter". 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:35 pm Reply with quote
annajon wrote: but.... but......... I thought it was Old Skool chop now, not speed chop anylonger
when this thread started it was called 'speed chop'
ReinMan wrote: I think we should call it "Walter". 
There are some who call me... Tim.
say.. what about "Chop on the Fly?"
Location: Augusta, Georgia
Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:42 pm Reply with quote
ReinMan wrote: TheShaman wrote: ...
I'll get off your lawn now

 You are always welcome on my lawn, dude. As long as I see TWO beers in plain view as you approach!
MindGraph wrote: ReinMan wrote: Damn it, you've ALL missed the POINT!
... ...
Now - next time I want to see some SERIOUS MOTION BLUR on the next SPEED CHOP ENTRIES!!! 
I got it....
Yes Yes! Damn it man, YOU'VE GOT IT!
(now, if they ever have a tricycle in the SOURCE images on SpeedChopDay, you'll be ready to go and I promise you (specially after you send me that $check$ in the mail  ) you'll be in the top 10 ! 
ok...checks on the male but I'm not sure why but if it will help on the next tricycle speed chop round.....I'm in!!
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