TofuTheGreat wrote:
Why do people put that in their notes (feel free to substitute Gimp/Paint.Net/Painter/etc. with "PS")?
A pic without "PS work" or "PS tools" or "PS techniques" would simply be the source pic wouldn't it?
And while I'm on my rant. Why do people also put "All source except for the...". If there's an external then it's not an all source.
I know this has been brought up in the past but it's Monday, I'm in a mood, and I'm hopped up on left over Halloween candy.

Some people, myself included sometimes like to express what they have done, as it could get overlooked. And the
'ahhhh wow, they did that detail work just for my eyes to see, cool' comments in the viewers heads would be lost, as viewers may think some aspects are not source, or not created solely in PS.
So in answer to the question, the
'All source, except...' comment is I would say, to express quickly that apart from part X of image, the rest has been created using only the source. It is quicker than going:
bit in top left thru to middle around the yellow bit and the oval section in the far right is source, as is the arm, leg and right eye from source, while external part is intersecting the visual matrix of the left badger stripe over the clouds section which is also source by the way'
And the same works for PS work, while I see what your saying about a non PS work source is just the source. In my understanding, PS work means as a whole, work created in PS, vector creations, effects, clouds, smoke , whatever it is but created in the and solely PS environment.
Instead of describing in detail far too long for the authors note section about how you made a tube, dodged and burn, shaded, textured and took it to the movies til it was done.
Just saves time and gets the point across simply