Thanks all for the thoughts. I guess I just feel
like damaged goods. My wrist no good because I
fucked it up in that motorcycle accident so I can't even
throw a ball with my son. It also hurts to move it.
I have to sleep with a breathing machine because I have severe
sleep apnea which keeps me exhausted all the time.
Plus I have chronic throat infections from the sleep apnea
which destroyed my vocal chords so I can't even sing anymore.
I used to play guitar and sing for a living. ( those videos of me singing
were done after all the throat damage so I sound like shit)
Now I can't even get through a song and the voice is gone.
So I am losing the ability to do the things I love.
Plus I have been fighting a throat and ear infection for three weeks now!
I can't hear out of either ear becaused they are blocked.
I'm just sick of being sick and defective. I'm just feeling sorry for
myself and this too shall pass. I am going to a voice therapist next week.
Maybe he can help with the voice. I also signed up for some
college classes tha I always wanted to take.. So
I am trying to cheer myself up and improve things.
Thanks my online freinds for letting me vent.
I'll be fine. I know I will. I'm just in a slump.
Thanks all.