I want to rant......
you may want to settle in for a while.....
1) I am RACHEL, I AM NOT Marco!!
2) I'm getting slightly annoyed that I'm being referred to as Marco now, I have a name & if you have any respect... USE IT!!
3) What's with people not using chat?
4) What's with people entering chat & not actually saying anything?... we don't bite, you can say hi!!
5) Why the hell doesn't the net connection at home work?... dammit!!
6) Why does the provider that supplies our area with the net not provide a wireless router alongside this "service"?
7) Why is the price of petrol not going down?

Why are bloody bananas still on the rampage?... can't go into Asda without seeing the things
9) Why is it so expensive to go to the movies? Are they WANTING people to invest in pirated copies?
10) Why can't I think of anything for the next couple of days source???
and finally....
11) If quizzes are quizzical then why are tests not testical?!?!?