Oscar wrote:
blue_lurker wrote:
Gee thanks guys, lots of people put a great deal of time and effort into those, but I guess its just old farts hey.
Shame that history gets killed in this place
you are really against any changes here aren't you

Oscar give me a break mate, Im not against change I just dont understand why people want to remove the history of this place.
I know your young and want to leave your mark and all but remember a lot of people had a hand in creating PSC to where it is now and change for the sake of a few seconds to me is not change for the better.
Lets be real here it takes less than .5 of a second to scroll down...but to save that .5 of a second lets remove some history.
lets pull down the statue of liberty so we can see the great view of the water...
With the change thing remember where we were a few years back mate...I accept change but for good reasons...you changed and I accepted that did I not?