ReinMan wrote:
seamusoisin wrote:
ReinMan wrote:
YerPalAl wrote:
Oh, Alan... (and you KNEW this was coming) ...
Don't be SUCH a URANUS!!!

Hmmmm! Exploring Uranus looking for Klingons?
No no NO! You can't use the SAME planet PUN as ME!

You MUST, if you really wish to remain at the top of PSC's WITTIEST MEMBERS, use a DIFFERENT PLANETARY PUN if you intend to continue in this thread.

(I just thought you KNEW that fact...

Oh. Good point, Alan. Thanks for pointing that out. Seamus is NOT, nor has he ever been, anywhere NEAR the top of PSC's "Wittiest Members" list. I misread that. It was PSC's WHITEST MEMBER list. My appologies. Continue as you were...
Reinman akaTOP PUN (Rein's call name when in a dog fight as in "Top Pun, bandits at 10 o'clock)" let me state on your propietary claim to exclusivity of the word Uranus. First and for most, uranus is not sacred and the various chops that have appeared on this site that feature the Reindude in neglible attire makes your uranus pubic
(pun here)domain. On the other hand I am going to claim Mars as my planet and forbid anyone to turn this into a punny. I'd like to give you a one-way ticket to Mars. But I'm afraid if I do, I'll alienate you. Hold on it could get worse!!! Last but not lease "When it Reins it pours!
Got to go now as tomorrow being Saturnday, I have other things on my mind seeing there will be a total calypso of the sun and if you aren't ready it will pasteurize before you know it.