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Location: Australia
Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:07 am Reply with quote
koorio wrote: Oscar wrote: Sanctuary wrote: why don't a non advantage member can only see the advantage calendar but can't post them. at least they kn0w what is the next entry they want to post.
because it wouldn't be ADVANTAGE anymore
How about, non advantage members get to see the source image one day or 12 hours before the contest opens? =)
Same deal really aint it I don't start until the last day if I have time and if I'm not shakin all over the place like a seal on dry ice 
Location: PDX
Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:23 am Reply with quote
seamusoisin wrote: Also, this is a business and as in all businesses the idea is to make money not to give out freebies.
I fully understand this is a business but it is also different in that it doesn't focus on the business aspect, correct? What I talked about would actually fit a simple marketing system: give someone a free taste and increase your chances that person will purchase what it is you offer. Also, please please keep in mind that I wasn't talking about freebies. Winning a competition takes work and effort, making the prize no longer free but earned. Yes, some of these guys on here are pretty cool. But if it wasn't about the win, then the guys that ALWAYS win would bow out of a contest once a month or two months or however long the time line would be between contests so that those who don't have "lifetimes of advantage" can have a chance at one. Again, chance. I can get my post in with two days left and 27 people will look at it, but I wont get any comments on it, let alone votes (which, if my post was THAT bad, I would hope people would give pointers to make it better so that someday I can win one of these things). This is due to the advantage people having already been through the other advantage posts and probably not having time to go through the rest of them as they post for the next 2 days. This isn't a "boo hoo" moment. I'm looking at this from the 'new guys' point of view and as a business student. As the new guy, I would hope to witness a level playing field at some point in time (I'm not learning much by chopping in 45 mins knowing the already great Rey Rey or Marco had a month to work on it). You have to give people something to come back for. From a business stand point, if the new people aren't seeing much of a reason to get advantage (because the heavy hitters are still heaver hitters), or aren't able to currently afford it, or aren't sure they want to pay for something without trying it out, they will go to a site that will allow more options to someone in their position (Worth even). This site, much like a magazine, runs off ad revenue more than it does off subscriptions. $30 a year from what, 40 people, isn't paying the bills. But an increase in unique views increases the sites potential to earn more from advertisers. Again, more new people staying and getting advantage, more people viewing the site, more revenue. And, again, giving advantage as a prize might actually mean more to people than winning $50 - while costing PSC less.
I get that this place is more like a club than a business. I also know my chops are getting better but, conversely, are getting less and less of a response. One way or another I'll get advantage and some of the other people that come probably will too. But, in the mean time, a lot of new people that are also beginners probably wont be coming back. Guess it's their loss for not 'toughing it out'.
_________________ Channels are on TV, right?
Location: Ottawa Strong!
Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:10 pm Reply with quote
Item 1: Great theory but in the real world this never pays in the long run. Go to the super market, how much of the free stuff they hand out do you actually buy?Item 2: You are too fixated on winning and looking for an advantage pardon the pun. As for people staying or leaving because they have advantage, I believe that you are still here because you like to chop.
Item 3: Too fixated on winning.
Item 4: There is no level playing field and as a business student you have better get use to it. Life is not fair never has been and never will be.
Item 5: Theory only and wishful thinking as you have no way of knowing this, and do you seriously think that the owner and the previous owner has never considered this? It maybe a club to you, me and others but I can assure you this is not a club for the owner. If winning or the chance of are the only reasons people stay here there would be very few members here.
You have been a member for three weeks and have five entries. Tomorrow is speed chop, no advantage so knock yourself out. You also might be interested that the previous speed chops as well as the Reunion Contest where the contest was available to everyone at the same time were won by you guessed it "The Usual Suspects"
Location: Michi-gan
Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:35 pm Reply with quote
just because there are heavy hitters out there doen'st mean that you'll never get to there level... The advantage, and them winning all of the time should be the motivation to get better! I sucked at chopping when I first got here but after a few chops I started to see how it all works so I bought advatage and I have improved 500% I may never get as good as rey rey and marco but I've learned that with a lot of practice and advice from guys like rey rey and marco I think I can hold my own... Point is, just spend the $9.99 or whetever it is and stick with it if you like it and everything will work out...
Location: PDX
Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:41 pm Reply with quote
Fixated on winning? Hmm. Nope, winning doesn't really factor in. A fair competition, now that - that I can get behind. Actually having a chance to put my all into something and have it fully rated by my peers sounds pretty good too. Having the chance to win something I can't afford on a contest site? May god strike me down. Yep, I just got here. But that doesn't really mean I can't see some potential for change. I also refuse to just keep quite because someone else may have said it. Or not bother because it's a lost cause. I volunteer in grass roots organizing, that just isn't possible. Your response to item 1 is flawed: have you ever used a coupon? Gone to Payless because it's buy one get one half off? Ordered the Mc-Whatever because it came with a free drink? Free fries? Also, given that the marketing departments at the various grocery outlets probably went to a lot of schooling, and still to this day give out free items to promote their company tells me something. Trust me, in marketing, if it doesn't work they wouldn't keep trying it. Spammers exist because people fall for the belief that they can get something for free or little to no cost. I would say that giving something away is on the top five best ways to promote a business (time shares, casinos, bars (happy hour), Denny's (free breakfast)... I digress.
No way of knowing that sites generate money based on their unique views? That an increase in revenue comes from an increase in hits? Of course that's true. The advertisers understand that the law of averages dictates you get 10,000 people to look, 1,000 will register, 100 will have a genuine interests, 1-10 will purchase. It's probably closer to 100,000 but that was a rough example of how that law translates. I can plop down some MLA parenthetical quotations and sources if you like in the next post here, or you can guess I might actually understand how some of this stuff works. Bottom line, subscriptions are icing, ad revenue is the only reason this site exists.
Yes, life is not fair. But it remains that way if you give into the belief that it will, or can, never be fair. That's a really defeatist way of thinking: life is not fair, deal with it. Usually I'm pretty casual, but this idea that "it ain't gonna change, get over it" really bugs me. Even more so because I'm a 'noob'. That may apply to the history of this particular site but it has nothing to do with one's genuine ability. I get the whole 'prove yourself worthy-rites of passage thing' but that doesn't mean I have to like and accept it. Changes in life are made, even small ones as these, because people make those changes happen. And is once a month level playing field just that ridiculous? Seems to work for the incredibly popular Worth site. I know, I know, 'then go to that site'. Again, it's the people here that make this site really different. It just seems that people are so scared it'll end up too corporate that stops any major changes. I just feel like the new kid in school and you all have known each other since kindergarten. If I feel that way, as the new guy, how many other people do too?
_________________ Channels are on TV, right?
Location: Australia
Mon Dec 07, 2009 4:29 pm Reply with quote
There. Now you're advantaged (for 90 days).
So now you can STFUAC.
It'll be worth $10 not to have to read all this crap in the forums!
Cartoon Contractor
Location: I was here. Now I'm not!
Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:10 pm Reply with quote
THP! If you would spend as much time choppin as you do typin you would have beat Rey and Marco by now!  It really is about just doing it and gettin better. You'll see! 
Location: PDX
Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:46 pm Reply with quote
bigbuck wrote: There. Now you're advantaged (for 90 days).
So now you can STFUAC.
It'll be worth $10 not to have to read all this crap in the forums!
Much much appreciated. Odd that you read all the crap in the forums, but I know a hint when I hear one. Does it make me a sell out if I put the soap box away and just enjoy advantage? You bet your ass it does. Does that mean I'm going to give it back? HAHAHAHAHA  I may be mouthy. I may be tall enough for basketball but terrible at the sport. I may even smell funny if left out in the sun. But, I know when to STFUAC (is that trademarked? Should it be? Where would I post that? Kidding!)
Now lets see if I can put bigbucks money where my mouth is... why does that sound awkward?
I'll save the big fights for real injustices like spammers.
_________________ Channels are on TV, right?
Location: Australia
Mon Dec 07, 2009 6:25 pm Reply with quote
Cartoon Contractor wrote: Hey Buck! You can't shut this guy up even WITH advantage! 
Hell yeah! It's costing me 11c/day just to TRY and get a bit of peace and quiet!
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