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Location: Northern California
Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:30 am Reply with quote
So I messed up big this time and I lost a great deal of irreplaceable stuff... I was building a new windows machine from scratch and I was going to use my backup hard drive to load the drivers for the hardware. I knew I have all my music and movies there along with my extensive gallery of family pictures I have acquire over a long period of time, some of which no one has copies of. When I was installing win 7 I by mistake clicked on the delete partion erasing everything.
I have no other backup... all my family pictures are gone forever.
Location: currently Taipei
Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:57 am Reply with quote
I'm gonna guess SV is PMing you to tell you that there is recovery software out there that can recover stuff even after a format.
Don't do anything else to that drive until you check that out.
Location: pfft..
Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:59 am Reply with quote
i tried to pm but my pm's wont send out for the last 2 days, so i will send it to your yahoo..
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Location: pfft..
Fri Dec 11, 2009 2:02 am Reply with quote
irishstu wrote: I'm gonna guess SV is PMing you to tell you that there is recovery software out there that can recover stuff even after a format.
Don't do anything else to that drive until you check that out.
Yes you are correct.
22 years exp has taught me a lot about computers.
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Location: Northern California
Fri Dec 11, 2009 2:15 am Reply with quote
I got your pm but I was busy trying to recover as much data as I could, I have back up pictures up on flickr and other sites ( but not recent ). All my music is gone which is about 20 gigs ... some is raw unedited recordings from my friends band and I know for a fact that all my movies are gone as well... I only found 17 and they were on dvds.
Sooo... pretty much lost everything
my last hope is my xbox where I had some stuff back up too... I don't know who has it since I have it away to my cousin a while back ago... also is not recent so all my current data is gone.
Location: pfft..
Fri Dec 11, 2009 2:19 am Reply with quote
im so sorry for your loss/..
i used hard drive recovery pro it also features after format recovery. but as i said, if it altered even 1 byte of a file, its irrecoverable.
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Location: pfft..
Fri Dec 11, 2009 2:35 am Reply with quote
ohhhh by the way, you can use the free version of it to see if it can find anything from here
if it finds it, can be worth the price to get things back. thats what I did a while back. ended up using it earlier this week to find some pics my wife nuked by accident.
when it comes to pics, its worth giving it a shot..
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Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Fri Dec 11, 2009 2:58 am Reply with quote
Oscar wrote: I got your pm but I was busy trying to recover as much data as I could, I have back up pictures up on flickr and other sites ( but not recent ). All my music is gone which is about 20 gigs ... some is raw unedited recordings from my friends band and I know for a fact that all my movies are gone as well... I only found 17 and they were on dvds.
Sooo... pretty much lost everything
my last hope is my xbox where I had some stuff back up too... I don't know who has it since I have it away to my cousin a while back ago... also is not recent so all my current data is gone.
thats fucked up... sorry bro....i only lost some films and music once, no big deal , but i was sad and i imagine how u fieel with these personal stuffs that disappeared.
Fortunaltly, as aid previously and i think it might work eevne tho its quite expensive , to ask for these "recovery" tools, but better go directly send your drive to the technicians that created this software to get back ur stuff. i wanted to do it. i didnt yet. i dunno if it works really...
Location: pfft..
Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:04 am Reply with quote
the one i posted can work even after a format...
no one can recover it though if the file has been altered... however there is a good chance with most pics being smaller, they eluded the file fragments.. but then again windows going onto a drive is like shooting a shotgun from 20 yards.. it is liable to just splatter fragments everywhere.. but there is a good chance it missed a lot of things too.
i would not do anything else until i exhausted all of my options.
130 for the pro version of that progie is well worth pictures. I would at least run the free version and dee if it can recover them.. it will show you what it finds, then you can get the pro and get them back.. maybe.. w
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Location: currently Taipei
Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:37 am Reply with quote
Oscar, you say you've lost some of your more recent photos. It may be worth trying to recover photos from your camera's memory card in a similar way to what you're doing with the hard drive. Even if you've deleted them and started taking new ones, there may be some that haven't actually been overwritten yet (just kind of hidden)).
Location: pfft..
Fri Dec 11, 2009 4:04 am Reply with quote
thats a good idea, why didnt i think of that... my brain is burned out from stress, and im tired...
that progie I posted about will also do that .....
but somewhere around here I have another one i got with my last card that is specially designed for those cards.. i will try to find it tomorrow. no promises though.
its a really small disk, if i can find it, i will send it to ya.
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Location: The Netherlands
Fri Dec 11, 2009 4:32 am Reply with quote
Aww that sucks Oscar, It happend to me to once
Since than I try to burn all photos on cd every 6 months or so.
And even get them printed, lots of people don't do that anymore since it's all digital these days! I also try to put them online somewhere as much as I can.
Music and movies are also a big loss, but photos are the worst when they disappear! Good luck man.
Location: Earth, USA: swFL
Fri Dec 11, 2009 8:49 am Reply with quote
oooh, so sorry........ I have also been a dummy about backing up and/or saving files......... thanks for the link, skwidvicious, I copied it and sent it to myself for "just in case"....... MUST REMEMBER: save often and save copies! 
_________________ Enjoy where you are on the way to where you're going.
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