ReinMan wrote:
Sanctuary wrote:
sonic3 wrote:
This list is getting BIG
yeah and it didn't grow again since last week. i'm waiting my name to be written on the list.
Patience my friend! Us MODs are currently busy Protecting The Free World, but will get to the LISTS and REFILLING THE PAPER TOWELS soon!
I'm not even sure who is maintaining the list at this point... is that YOU, Jordan??
I updated the list that Splodge had made:
Please let me know any corrections. Maybe a mod can put this in a new (clean) thread that can be stickied.
Happy Holidays, all.
Adam Muhamedagič = A.G.L.
Adrian Estrada = Oscar
Anna Jonkers = annajon
Anthony 'anfa' Robinson = anfa
Bill Shackford = mightybeet
Blue Lurker = Blue Lurker
Bob Kingdom = MindGraph
Bob Tarmac = Tarmac
Bogdan Bratu = Bogonet
Brad Buckle = bigbuck
Brady Blake = GravyBoat
Brandan Neises = Bneises
Brandon Patten = Bsoholic
Brian Whitcombe = Wiz
Carol Pearl = Pearlie
Chad Doughty = Doodler!
Chris Rashley = Rashdog
Chris Swearingen = Tofuthegreat
Claude Lafrance = Claf
Conrad Sambat = Conaircan
Dave Ellsworth = dewking
David Limjuco = lord david
Delia Hubbard = deliandave
Dorothy Vermeire = dot
Douglas Seeley = Seelcraft
Eric Head = chopper
Fabio Grachiki = Arcaico
Glen Unsworth = sonic3
Granulated Andy = Granulated
Huub van Buul = Huub666
Irena Sirenka Spasovska = Sirenka
James Stevens = Pothed
Jeff Mansell = Jkmansel
Jerry Hamilton = Jerryhami
Jim Heinlein = Heinlein
Joanne Podger = rose-wood71
Joe Velez = EvilTigr
Joey Myers = scionshade
John E Marcone = xovlov
Jordan Richardson = JORDAN792
Kayla Rairigh = kittie
Kimmer Guccione = DaKimmer
Leif Anderson = leif
Luka Malenšek = Malnsk
Mario Cappellano = Dechene
Mark Hens = DaVinci
Mark Kenneth Wright = Marxman
Mark Perkins = marcoballistic
Marta Chade = Xademart
Marty Koppert = Martrex
Mason Fortherie = Mason4300
Mel Lamprill = Mel47
Melanie Cooper = mellowdesign
Melissa Wells Flynn (Caf Chocoholic) = cafn8d
Michael Shupert = MonkeeDrummer
Michel Larue = L@rue
Mike Reece = Meaty
Miriam Borg = Mir
Nancy Morris = nancers
Nathan Grant = Nat_g31
Neil Ortego = Cartoon Contractor
Nick Drakoulakos = Infected
Paula Dwyer = Pollyo
Pete Slabek = polishmafia
Rachel Gordon = MamaHet
Reinier deSmit = reinman
Rey Michaud = reyrey
Robin Brookman = missrobin
Ron Quinlin = synthvet
Sage Graphics = sage
Sandi Gratiot Thompson = Cambria
Shannon Egan Orphanides = square
RIP: Splodge rox = splodge
Stef McFeters = mezopunk
Stephen Evans = digitalphero
Stephen Fox = billtvshow
Stuart Morrow = Irishstew
Sye TenBruggencate = Canuck <ş)))><
Tan tian sheng = Sanctuary
Terrence Campbell = beefhead
Tesore = Tesore
Thijs Hermans = Sjitske
Tina-marie Neale = hellsg8
Todd Oltmanns = Azionite
Tom Stiner = St1n3r
Tom Van Wuytswinkel = Tommeken
Tony David = grefix
Trace Gomez = 16ozbud
Wesley Gregory = volkswes
Yael Shapira = Nevet
The other way round
16ozbud = Trace Gomez
A.G.L. = Adam Muhamedagič
Anfa = Anthony 'anfa' Robinson
Annajon = Anna Jonkers
Arcaico = Fabio Grachiki
Azionite = Todd Oltmanns
Beefhead = Terrence Campbell
Bigbuck = Brad Buckle
billtvshow = Stephen Fox
Blue Lurker = Blue Lurker
Bneises = Brandan Neises
Bogonet = Bogdan Bratu
Bsoholic = Brandon Patten
cafn8d = Melissa Wells Flynn (Caf Chocoholic)
Cambria = Sandi Gratiot Thompson
Canuck <ş)))>< = Sye TenBruggencate
Cartoon Contractor = Neil Ortego
Chopper = Eric Head
Claf = Claude Lafrance
Conaircan = Conrad Sambat
DaKimmer = Kimmer Guccione
DaVinci = Mark Hens
Dechene = Mario Cappellano
deliandave = Delia Hubbard
Dewking = Dave Ellsworth
Digitalphero = Stephen Evans
Doodler! = Chad Doughty
Dot = Dorothy Vermeire
EvilTigr = Joe Velez
Granulated = Granulated Andy
GravyBoat = Brady Blake
Grefix = Tony David
Heinlein = Jim Heinlein
Hellsg8 = Tina-marie Neale
Huub666 = Huub van Buul
Infected = Nick Drakoulakos
Irishstew = Stuart Morrow
Jerryhami = Jerry Hamilton
Jkmansell=Jeff Mansell
JORDAN792 = Jordan Richardson
Kittie = Kayla Rairigh
L@rue = L@rue Michel
Leif = Leif Anderson
Lord david = David Limjuco
Malnsk = Luka malenšek
MamaHet = Rachel Gordon
Marcoballistic = Mark Perkins
Martrex= Marty Koppert
Marxman = Mark Kenneth Wright
Mason4300 = Mason Fortherie
Meaty = Mike Reece
Mel47=Mel Lamprill
Mellowdesign = Melanie Cooper
Mezopunk = Stef McFeters
Mightybeet = Bill Shackford
MindGraph = Bob Kingdom
Mir = Miriam Borg
Missrobin = Robin Brookman
MonkeeDrummer = Michael Shupert
Nancers = Nancy Morris
Nat_g31=Nathan Grant
Nevet = Yael Shapira
Oscar = Adrian Estrada
Pearlie = Carol Pearl
polishmafia = Pete Slabek
Pollyo = Paula Dwyer
Pothed = James Stevens
Rashdog = Chris Rashley
Reinman = Reinier deSmit
Reyrey = Rey Michaud
rose-wood71 = Joanne Podger
Sage Sage = Graphics
Sanctuary = Tan tian sheng
Scionshade = Joey Myers
Seelcraft = Douglas Seeley
Sirenka = Irena Sirenka Spasovska
Sjitske = Thijs Hermans
Sonic3 = Glen Unsworth
RIP: Splodge = splodge rox
Square = Shannon Egan Orphanides
St1n3r = Tom stiner
Synthvet = Ron Quinlin
Tarmac = Bob Tarmac
Tesore = Tesore
Tofuthegreat = Chris Swearingen
Tommeken = Tom Van Wuytswinkel
Volkswes = Wesley Gregory
Wiz = Brian Whitcombe
Xademart = Marta Chade
Xovlov = John E Marcone