Howdy Mine Fellow Community Creatives n' Nere-do-wells
Tried something for the first time: shot full HD video at night and then edited it myself and then composed and scored music to it myself. I laughed by myself. I cried by myself. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. But, in the end I came up with this:
Canada Place is our Big Convention Center downtown Vancouver, and it has these interesting styalized "ship's sails" for a roof. They are BIG. Some company from ClafLand (Montreal) is currently doing a light show on them... so a friend and i were hired to photograph it and shoot some video. They did the stills, i did the video. The Montreal company just wanted all the raw footage, but I decided, for a learning experience, to put my own edit together. Then decided, for a continuing education, to put in the music too.
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!