So many people love
DBBowling's PSC Photowalks, I'm sure he won't mind if we have some supplemental photo-sharing between official Walks.
There will be no voting, no judging, and no prizes. All levels of photography are encouraged, from professional Canon dSLRs to Fisher Price (toy-level) cell phone cameras.
Please post a link to an online album (Photobucket or Imageshack or...) in this thread by the end of January.
My suggested theme, for those who want a theme: Endings and New Beginnings. (In celebration of New Year's.) But any pictures you feel like sharing are welcome, so long as you have taken them sometime between Dec. 1 and Jan. 31, and they are "family friendly."
And if this is too unstructured or just a bad idea, let me know, but do try to be somewhat diplomatic, please.

I'm just suggesting this on a whim. We'll see how it goes!