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Location: PhotoshopLand (Italy)

Post Wed Dec 23, 2009 9:38 am   Reply with quote         

seamusoisin wrote:

bwaaaabwaaaa.... no. .... you should be banned. That is not your own work


Location: Anywhere but where I am.

Post Wed Dec 23, 2009 9:41 am   Reply with quote         

ReinMan wrote:
Sometimes, for special contests like the Speed Chop, we need to pull images from the "normal" pile. Sometimes we forget to re-scramble the normal pile. Which leaves them in there to be seen and voted on again.

Perhaps, though, this is good - if people REALLY liked that particular image, you could vote it back into the queue again!

(if you didn't like it, you could just walk away...)

WALK AWAY, I say!!! Raising Brow

Lamest excuse you could possibly expect... Even if the system isn't programmed to do that by itself, the least they could do is change it by HAND...!


Location: Ottawa Strong!

Post Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:00 am   Reply with quote         

Napalm32 wrote:
seamusoisin wrote:

bwaaaabwaaaa.... no. .... you should be banned. That is not your own work

I had the right to remain silent....but I didn't.

Be my assbook friend

Location: Australia

Post Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:34 am   Reply with quote         

Come on guys take a chill pill, so its a repeat it happens, remember the guys and girls that run this site don't get paid they do it because they have been asked...its a busy season for every one at the moment and some times these things happen. It has been reported and will be resolved with in due time. So just chill my PSC Brothers and Sisters and step outside and enjoy a little of what's not on your PC right now, or even chop a Xmas card for some one ya love...Im sure at the end of the day the world will still be here as will PSC and all who sail with her.

Peace on PSC and to all a goodnight (That's PEACE K) Laughing



Location: Back where I belong.

Post Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:47 am   Reply with quote         

rockyjob wrote:
Napalm32 wrote:
have we work on this source....or it will be changed?

None of us should really post anything, since then mods will think it's ok to use the same source twice, and just sit back and watch it happen like last time...

Don't be so harsh on the mods. Remember a couple things.

1. They mod in their spare time
2. They don't get paid to mod
3. They don't get to see the source for the speed chop before hand. It's a blind contest for them too.

Supa, Trey (TutorMe) and grefix work hard to find and fix errors like this but they do it for FREE.

This is a glitch in the image queue logic. Since the speed chop is a relatively new feature it's bound to have some glitches.

[gives soapbox back to blurker]

Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
�The mind is like a parachute, it doesn�t work if it isn�t open.� - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey


Location: Anywhere but where I am.

Post Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:58 am   Reply with quote         

They could have explained that to us instead of saying Walk away like Rein did
and still, when it wasn't a Speedchop they didn't do anything. Not even commented on why they did nothing. And they had a month to do something. I know it's not simple, nothing is, but I assume that the next time a source repeats every one will treat it like nothing happened. And no, I'm in no way blaming those three that spend a lot of time helping around here, because probably it isn't even their decision. I'm talking to the entire staff that dedicates their time to help psc, because the main thing we do here is chop, and therefore contests should have a bit more priority. And it's really unclear to everyone...including me: Who's responsible for what?


Location: On the way to Utopia!

Post Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:24 am   Reply with quote         

If I upload the same entrie as then back in August, nobody will tell the mod's oke?!
It's a shame i'll be home late... otherwise it was the fastest chop I ever made Laughing


Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN

Post Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:38 pm   Reply with quote         

Wow. What a bunch of WHINERS. Neutral

I guess it would be too crazy to expect creative people to try something different with the same source picture. Rolling Eyes

There are some real complainers showing up around here. And not only do they complain a lot, they also assume a lot. Most of us MODs have no ability to change the mechanics of this site. And yet we get blamed for stuff constantly. All we can mostly do is listen to a bunch of you complain every time we attempt to do something around here.

Thanks, Tofu, for pointing out that we MODs are unpaid volunteers and that this site is not the only priority in our lives. We do the best with what we have. I certainly wish the complainers would do the same.

I have only been a MOD for a couple months now, and I'm already tired of the bitching and whining around here by people who should grab a brain and know better before they bitch and whine.

Again (and this is my opinion only, not anyone elses it seems) you can just walk away if a chop source doesn't fit your exacting needs. There will be something else in a day or two hopefully that will suit your particular needs.

Damn - I chopped FUNGUS the other day. FUNGUS! Trust me, not an easy thing to chop. But chop I did.

Happy Holidays everybody. For those of you that CAN be happy.


the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Site Moderator

Post Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:48 pm   Reply with quote         

The speed chop repeat image was submitted by Mr. ReinMan, so it is, by default, twice as good as any other image.

Site Moderator

Location: Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette, finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet.

Post Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:49 pm   Reply with quote         

Wow... I hate to be ridiculed without even a chance to explain what's going on.

First I'll address the issue at hand.

The speed chop source is the stove until the last minute on all speed chops. Usually someone (it's a particular person, but I'm not going name names...) changes it at the last minute. This is done so that us mods can't see the source before the comp opens. This is done manually. The person who does this manually has not been around much lately which brings us to today.

I work the late shift, so I just woke up. I'm sorry I'm not omnipotent. Waking up and addressing the issue is the best I can do.

Second, the issue of the mods being lazy, good-for-nothing arseholes who only want to make you people suffer. This is untrue. As tofu said, we do this in our spare time. Unfortunately, PSC can't come before real life. And in real life I need sleep.


Location: Geordieland, UK

Post Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:01 pm   Reply with quote         


Location: Northern California

Post Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:07 pm   Reply with quote         

Maybe the person who takes care of this is busy with real life and couldn't get to it in time, for what ever reason. I see how this can happen every once in a while but if it starts to happen often then it turns into an issue. I'm pretty sure it's an easy fix if someone puts the time and effort to it.

Post Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:10 pm   Reply with quote         

Source images should not be repeated. However, most of you have advantage, so use it when something like this occurs: you don't HAVE to chop today's image, open the 'advantage' calender, where you can find 30 other entries, stfuac another image.
Just an opinion.


Location: Anywhere but where I am.

Post Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:12 pm   Reply with quote         

koorio wrote:
Source images should not be repeated. However, most of you have advantage, so use it when something like this occurs: you don't HAVE to chop today's image, open the 'advantage' calender, where you can find 30 other entries, stfuac another image.
Just an opinion.

Koorio, the fun of this contest is that NO ONE has advantage, that's what makes it so popular. You chop quick, have some fun. That's the point. That's why we got MORE upset on this one

Post Wed Dec 23, 2009 4:16 pm   Reply with quote         

rockyjob wrote:
koorio wrote:
Source images should not be repeated. However, most of you have advantage, so use it when something like this occurs: you don't HAVE to chop today's image, open the 'advantage' calender, where you can find 30 other entries, stfuac another image.
Just an opinion.

Koorio, the fun of this contest is that NO ONE has advantage, that's what makes it so popular. You chop quick, have some fun. That's the point. That's why we got MORE upset on this one

So what happened has happened and the contest has already started, having the choice of ignoring the image and choosing a different one is advantage under these circumstances. Wink

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