Tesore wrote:
glennhanna wrote:
Cell phone jammers are highly illegal. Another thing that is illegal, a little device that you keep in your car that turns all the lights green for you. (used by emergency vehicles.) Both would be fun to have.
I bought a toy radar gun to see how fast I could throw a baseball... the thing didn't really work that well for that purpose, but I found if I took the radar gun with me in the car, I could mess with people and their radar detectors. I amused myself watching people hitting the brakes when I would pull out the radar gun and zap them as they tried to speed by me.
Oh yeah... and walking with my remote control during a great soccer game en click by every window...
The only sh*t is I love soccer
*Goes PSC traditional very off topic*
So you love soccer. You definitely aren't a Newcastle United fan! After our last match I was left thinking what it was about the sport that I loved in the first place.

I'll be black and white forever though, still wearing my colours with pride no matter how shit we are!!!