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Location: Photoshop Nation
Sat Jan 16, 2010 9:33 am Reply with quote
Oscar wrote:
22 Thank you
If companies don't take advantage of cheaper labor resources they become less competitive, they disappear and the job disappear with them. So, either way, by outsourcing or the closure of a company people still will lose their jobs.
hilarious, by outsourcing to countries like india the profits skyrocket, wake up buddy. 
Location: Ottawa Strong!
Sat Jan 16, 2010 9:35 am Reply with quote
I'm going to weigh in here because I find the fact that this thread reminds me that in this world there are naive people, rude and arrogant people and just plain stupid people. The fact that someone uses another enterprise (PSC) to promote their enterprise is both rude and arrogant. To see some justification of this is naive. This is "entittlement" by a person or persons who believe they can thread on people's rights and dignity with no respect for the enterprise they are invading. Competition is one thing but setting up shop in someone elses shop is disgusting. I am sure that if the reverse were true there would be cries of rightous indignation.
I don't see where the outsourcing issue has anything to do with this and I do realize that it has hurt the western economy but this is an act by the western economy so this issue has to be tackled here not there.
Sorry Oscar but you are incorrect. The consumer decides who will be successful. Canada's major airline and Ma Bell outsource service to call centers out of the country and guess what I don't fly Air Canada and cancelled our land line. And if you think that I am the only one Air Canada is no longer the premier canadian airline and Ma bell is being chopped at all aspects of thier services. When I call for service and the person cannnot understand me and I can't understand them I politely thank them hang up and go where I can be understood. I like you and all of us have choices to make and to believe that the US whose economy is the largest in the world can't be competitive is a fallacy propogated by coniving executives who are linning their pockets at the expense of the average Joe, but the avaerage Joe can and should boycott these enterprises. If Liminality wants to compete with PSC set up a site and compete, but don't solicit here.
It is interesting that people place the blame on India and China for economic woes, well here is an economic lesson and prediction for you to digest. We live in an oil based society, India and China are now producing cars (cheap/affordable for their population) at a formidable rate and they are all going to need gas. They will be sucking gas from the same can as we are and the price of oil will make last years pricing cheap as the price will rise over $200/barrel, supply and demand, and with this scenario it will be very expensive to get goods from these countries to the west, so expensive in fact that production of these goods will be done here because the transportation costs will be exhorbitant. Oh yeah the electric car, can't wait for that if someone plugs in a hair dryer at the wrong time the grid shuts down imagine 100 million autos plugged in at the same time just as the commuter gets home.
I usually when I sermonize that I don't want anyone to be offended by what I wrote but in this case be offended.
Location: Photoshop Nation
Sat Jan 16, 2010 9:45 am Reply with quote
seamusoisin wrote: I'm going to weigh in here because I find the fact that this thread reminds me that in this world there are naive people, rude and arrogant people and just plain stupid people. The fact that someone uses another enterprise (PSC) to promote their enterprise is both rude and arrogant. To see some justification of this is naive. This is "entittlement" by a person or persons who believe they can thread on people's rights and dignity with no respect for the enterprise they are invading. Competition is one thing but setting up shop in someone elses shop is disgusting. I am sure that if the reverse were true there would be cries of rightous indignation.
I don't see where the outsourcing issue has anything to do with this and I do realize that it has hurt the western economy but this is an act by the western economy so this issue has to be tackled here not there.
Sorry Oscar but you are incorrect. The consumer decides who will be successful. Canada's major airline and Ma Bell outsource service to call centers out of the country and guess what I don't fly Air Canada and cancelled our land line. And if you think that I am the only one Air Canada is no longer the premier canadian airline and Ma bell is being chopped at all aspects of thier services. When I call for service and the person cannnot understand me and I can't understand them I politely thank them hang up and go where I can be understood. I like you and all of us have choices to make and to believe that the US whose economy is the largest in the world can't be competitive is a fallacy propogated by coniving executives who are linning their pockets at the expense of the average Joe, but the avaerage Joe can and should boycott these enterprises. If Liminality wants to compete with PSC set up a site and compete, but don't solicit here.
It is interesting that people place the blame on India and China for economic woes, well here is an economic lesson and prediction for you to digest. We live in an oil based society, India and China are now producing cars (cheap/affordable for their population) at a formidable rate and they are all going to need gas. They will be sucking gas from the same can as we are and the price of oil will make last years pricing cheap as the price will rise over $200/barrel, supply and demand, and with this scenario it will be very expensive to get goods from these countries to the west, so expensive in fact that production of these goods will be done here because the transportation costs will be exhorbitant. Oh yeah the electric car, can't wait for that if someone plugs in a hair dryer at the wrong time the grid shuts down imagine 100 million autos plugged in at the same time just as the commuter gets home.
I usually when I sermonize that I don't want anyone to be offended by what I wrote but in this case be offended.
amen brother, our leaders sold us out, they called it "globalization"
Sat Jan 16, 2010 10:29 am Reply with quote
I must say I see no correlation between the topics of outsourcing and digital art. As for the individual comments by the members, let me attempt to answer each one with hope that the belligerent tone drops some shades lighter.
@Tofu: I suppose that sums it up. If your query is about the usage of this site, I have to admit I find the welcome unappealing. Ergo, I would stick to DA for all my design needs.
@Eve: This phase of the contest is also open to international participants.
@Oscar: I appreciate your help but I'm afriad you might only be antagonizing the others here. Nevertheless, I hope you participate
@SV, Bigbuck: We posted no sigs here. As to the accusations of spam, I do not see why we would spend our time typing out replies to every post if all we sought was a mass posting of our messages.
@Dechene: This might sound like a grammar nazi but 'spunk' is a term akin to guts or gal. Oh, and I noticed you visited our website. Please do put up an entry.
@Sid, yerpalal: We are not the ones competing. We are the organizers. Your competition lies at the other graphic design forums on the web (most of which seem to be taking it much better than here). If you hold a contest here, do inform us. We'd love to participate.
@seamusoisin: We are a contest, not an enterprise. And the website is called photoshopcontest. Also, you might notice we're filed under the contests section.
In general, I would like to remind you all that this is one of the many forums we posted at. There is no compulsion to participate and most definitely no call for hostility. If you are capable of the level of maturity it takes to interact with the outside world, consider participating. If you plan to stay here nitpicking and finding fault, you may be suited to spend more time inside your little shell.
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:21 am Reply with quote
Hi again, liminality . I DID try to warn you.
You have been witness to part of the challenges that this site faces: we are a confused, frustrated bunch at times. There are some of us that strike out at others with distorted beliefs. Many of us do NOT have a very well balanced world view, but think we do. Which leads to much bias and negative vibes at times. We do have some very creative and open minded members. And we have some red-necks too.
For my part: A) I've let this thread continue because you are NOT SPAM and I am curious how my fellow members here would handle your offer. (Also, I am not the only Moderator here and, unless you are truly SPAM, we usually "meet" to discuss shutting down a thread. Seems that most of us are not too worried about this  )
B) Part of the issue (I feel) is that you have not "chopped" or "photoshopped" in any of our contests yet. You said "if we have a contest here, to let you know and you'd like to participate". Dude, we have a contest EVERY SINGLE DAY here. We post a NEW source image EVERY DAY and a bunch of varied and different members photoshop the heck out of these images, and then, as a community, we vote on our faves. BUT if a member has NOT chopped in a single contest, then we just don't usually give them much attention. This, I see, is part of what got some people riled / angry about your "invitation". No fault of your own, but you have no "status" here as a photoshopping dude. No "cred". So some here will feel you are not entitled to your free usage of our thread/forum system. I invite you to enter one of our contests NOW and get your feet wet here... 1, you'll have fun 2, you'll get some respect 3, you might just get some people interested in your project.
C) I hope you do not judge us too harshly, though you have responded to some strong accusations here like a gentleman, so I think you've done okay  I've been here going on 7 years and I still don't fully understand all the people here, so I don't expect you to in a few days. But we are mostly a good bunch and a very tight community on line. We are artistic types and we can get passionate about what we 'believe' in at times. Diplomacy is NOT on our normal "to do" list, so it can get bumpy at times in these threads! That is as it is...
D) So, I feel until you think about "B" above, you'll have a hard sell here at PSC. I won't close down this thread as long as everyone ATTEMPTS to keep an open mind and a closed switch-blade.  But... some other MODerator(s) may not feel the same way. So please be forwarned.
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Australia
Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:57 am Reply with quote
ReinMan wrote: You said "if we have a contest here, to let you know and you'd like to participate". Dude, we have a contest EVERY SINGLE DAY here. We post a NEW source image EVERY DAY and a bunch of varied and different members photoshop the heck out of these images, and then, as a community, we vote on our faves. BUT if a member has NOT chopped in a single contest, then we just don't usually give them much attention. This, I see, is part of what got some people riled / angry about your "invitation". No fault of your own, but you have no "status" here as a photoshopping dude. No "cred". So some here will feel you are not entitled to your free usage of our thread/forum system. I invite you to enter one of our contests NOW and get your feet wet here... 1, you'll have fun 2, you'll get some respect 3, you might just get some people interested in your project.
Yup. A contest every day for about the last 9 years! (some 3000 odd contests)
Liminality must've missed that bit.  Along with the photoshopCONTEST monicker....
So I'm wondering if our new member has any real interest in our site?
Location: Back where I belong.
Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:46 pm Reply with quote
liminality wrote: @Tofu: I suppose that sums it up. If your query is about the usage of this site, I have to admit I find the welcome unappealing. Ergo, I would stick to DA for all my design needs.
My original post to this thread sums up my understanding of your membership and subsequent forum posts. I was questioning you directly sir (or ma'am I don't know which). One of YOUR own posts alluded to the possibility that you would be a participant in our community. Instead it appears that you are not genuine in that endeavor and only wanted to direct people to your project. Ergo you seemed to have joined purely to "pimp your contest" and not for participation in our community.
The welcome is unappealing for the exact reasons that Reinman stated (very eloquently mind you). You joined the site and posted in some of the threads specifically for the purpose of bypassing our anti-spam measures so that you could post an ad for your site/event/project. To many this would be considered spam. If you had been an actual participant in our community's contests then it would have been looked as merely a member posting about a cool event. liminality wrote: ...
@seamusoisin: We are a contest, not an enterprise. And the website is called photoshopcontest. Also, you might notice we're filed under the contests section.
And if YOU had taken the time to see what is about then you would have noticed that it is not a simply message board for posting about contests. It's about the contests here on our own site.
liminality wrote: ...
In general, I would like to remind you all that this is one of the many forums we posted at. There is no compulsion to participate and most definitely no call for hostility. If you are capable of the level of maturity it takes to interact with the outside world, consider participating. If you plan to stay here nitpicking and finding fault, you may be suited to spend more time inside your little shell. The insinuation of others' immaturity followed up by an immature comment of your own is not going to earn brownie points.
Let me be clear. I'm all for your project. I am not xenophobic and have no grudge against any country. I'm not naive to think that the problems of one country can be blanket applied to the citizens of another country. I think what your doing with your project is wonderful and I, frankly, admire the ethic of the Indian peoples. They are some of the brightest minds on the planet and to get the levels of technological education that you do with the infrastructure and cultural differences amazes me. Most people in my own country aren't that resourceful and dedicated to learning.
If you were to peruse our forum archives you would have seen that our members often point the community to design and photo manipulation contests going on around the globe. We like to participate and we like to help one another. Had you entered a contest two, here at PSC, prior to making your post then the results would have been vastly different. If you post in a contest now I know the tide will turn.
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: Ottawa Strong!
Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:01 pm Reply with quote
@seamusoisin: We are a contest, not an enterprise. And the website is called photoshopcontest. Also, you might notice we're filed under the contests section.
There is advertising on your site and unless you are doing this free of charge you are an enterpise.
In general, I would like to remind you all that this is one of the many forums we posted at. There is no compulsion to participate and most definitely no call for hostility. If you are capable of the level of maturity it takes to interact with the outside world, consider participating. If you plan to stay here nitpicking and finding fault, you may be suited to spend more time inside your little shell.
Your answers to the our objections demonstrate your sense of entitlement and a condencending attitude that I find personally abhoring. Others may find you less objectional but I believe this type of attitude is not needed here and if I had the mod stick you and your ENTERPRISE would be history on this site.
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:02 pm Reply with quote
liminality wrote: As for why you should be a part of this, here is what we offer: A prize of 50$
It may take you guys several days to make $50 in India, but $50 in the USA is about 10 cups of coffee, the amount I need to drink to put together a good entry.
There is a baseball player in the USA that makes $60,000 each time he comes up to bat, and that's a two minute job, max.
Bump up your prize to $500,000 and I guarantee you that you will get a warmer response. Excuse me, I have to go spend $50 to wash this SPAM out of my pants.
Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:25 pm Reply with quote
@Tofu and ReinMan:
Thanks a lot for both your posts. (Especially @Tofu: Apologies are due for my own stepping too far).
A bit of explanation here: There are two people using this ID. I (Mod) walked in only after I was informed of the sour turn the issue had taken. I was not aware of the contact between Adi (original poster) and Reinman, nor of the 5 posts (I was informed, but thought little of it). I considered this merely another forum and felt we would have a lot of participation - in short, I am responsible for the way Tofu found it. When I came in, I only saw the negative comments and wasn't really in the mood to make peace. I did my best with that comprehensive post and our plan was to leave things be. On seeing the posts by you guys, I felt it my duty to at least explain things  .
About the participation, I would have if I did photomanips. That isn't exactly my genre (Check out - ATM, I'm working on 3D... PS is only for finishing). I understand what you guys say about B - that would have cleared things up. That contacting-the-admin part was meant to sort this out too.
Anyway, thank you guys for being all grown-up about this  .
@Seamus: We are doing it free of charge. As mentioned, we are a technology institute. Every single one of those groups on the ads are our partners (not sponsors). They provide services for the participating students. We (the college/the students) get nothing from them.
And about the condescension, both of us have done our share. I'll withdraw all you find objectionable. I do not seek a flame war here.
To the community in general:
I am sorry we didn't participate (or even appear to have an interest in doing so). Like most of the other forums, I assumed the members would be happy to see this post (since they are the only ones gaining anything of this endeavour) and made no further effort to gel with the community. As before, I implore you to participate if you have any interest. Maybe, we will build better bonds, if not strong ones, before the next edition of this event.
Have fun.
Location: Montreal, Canada
Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:36 pm Reply with quote
Who cares if the contest is held in India or Congo? There's no need to make it personnal and be derogatory towards the country.
I do agree that the invitation would be more welcomed if it came from a member who cared about participating in a few daily contests!
On a more philosophical note: how much spam can one buy for $50? 
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:47 pm Reply with quote
Michel wrote:
On a more philosophical note: how much spam can one buy for $50? 
It would depend on the QUALITY of the SPAM and in which country one purchased the spam. I know if I buy SPAM in the Atlantic Provinces of Canada I will pay less than in my local area of British Columbia. Part of the challenge is making sure your SPAM has been packaged and carefully inspected by ... um, er, inspected by top notch.... ah....
oh, heck.  I got nothing. I'll shut up now.

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Australia
Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:07 pm Reply with quote
liminality wrote:
It's a shame you haven't participated here, because it's quite a helpful learning community. You may have picked up a few points about lighting and shadows...
Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:21 am Reply with quote
Wow, such hostile responses to something that just as easily could have been ignored if it didn't strike one's fancy.
p.s. not aimed at you, bigbuck.
_________________ nancers 04/05 @ 10:40 pm
I like beefhead. He's such a noob. Guide him someone, please?
nancers 04/06 @ 08:41 pm
Because you don't count beef. JMH decided that when you were a noob.
PooDeFuego 06/23 @ 03:32 pm
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