dewking still visit chat
L@rue still visit chat and enters contestd
Ledirlo Taken of for a long break from PSC but still around on msn and faceache
thbeghin H2h I think
Bluefist Did show up to vote in the last H2h from memory
Nancers Yep still here and being a Mom to us all
the202 still visit chat infact just posted in chat then
Splodge Passed but not forgoten
Serps Pops in every now and then
Chicken Still shows in chat and did post last year
Wett Have not seen him in ages btu Im sure he did some voting in the H2h as well
Chopper in fact just posted in chat then
xovlov Yep still stir in shit in chat
Doodler! Been seen in chat as well
Kitty I dont think Nancers will ever let her back in
Chukn8r Was around in the middle of last year for a little while but is still doing his traveling thing
polishmafia Pete still pops in and has a chat
Square yep she was around during the reunion chop and the H2h and she was part of the scavhunt 3 years ago
Rondo Not seen but mentioned often in chat...followed by a Xov post
Showcase Been seen on a few occasions but not recent
DoctorWu Passed but not forgotten
Leif Chat again
mezopunk I think she did show up late last year in chat
volkswes Yep just had little VW
jerry717 Passed but not forgotten
ReinMan Passed but not forgotten...oh wait no he is still here damn it.
IronMC Did show in chat a few times last year...
jmh132 sold the place and has never been seen again under that name.[/quote]