I know one reason why some of those people left, it was the use and abuse of aliases. It was such a common practice that at some stages there were more people using an alias than there real PSC name, just like I beleive you are.
Look I have been here for a while as well and yep Im normally the first to wanna hit the way back machine and re-visit the good old days of PSC. What I wont do is hide who I am to voice my opinion, ok I could be wrong here but I think this is just a very old alias that some one wants to stir a little trouble with. (
That being said I dont think this thread is any trouble hence the fact of my confusion of the use of an alias)
Lets look at this shall we...
1. You joined 6th Sep 2003
2. You have made only 2 entries in all that time 1 in Sep and the other in Dec 2003
3. Only 2 forum posts, and they are both in this thread
4. All of a sudden you pop out of no where.
Im sorry but why hide behind an alias, this thread is a good thread. So the PSCBI in me, (Photoshopcontest Bureau of Investigation

) calls this shenanigans. Come clean there is no reason to hide behind the curtains unless you want to make trouble. Ok that said becasue I like this thread Im going to answer some of your quotes.
Raptor wrote:
Some possible reasons they are no longer here:
1. Was it FaceBook?
2. Did the site just get boring?
3. Was it the implementation of Advantage?
4. Did they grow up and realize that posting was wasting their time when they should be dedicating their free time to making a living instead?
5. Was it that one or two of their favorite PSC members stopped showing up, so then they followed suit, resulting in a domino effect?
6. Was it because PSC lost the charming aspect of being a fun, comedic/artistic site and instead became a more serious professional artistic site?
...or perhaps all these members just "got a life"???
Well when most of these people left Facebook was not even a comic book yet
Come off it boring, why do so many people keep joining and coming back
Ok have to agree advantage did take the edge of that spontaneous thing but I beleive we have a good attempt to recreate that with the speed chops and a 7 day advantage would be better in my opinion. (As showcase said to me once just dont look at the advantage page if you dont want to use it...just like the old days

Yep agree here I now do this for a living and to tell the truth coming home and doing a chop just dont have the same effect it use to...but I still have fun and participate in other areas.
Naw if that was true then the place would have collapsed long ago into the cyber graveyard.
I beleive it still has some charm and lots of fun left here, shit look at this thread alone with the interaction of 2rey and myself and others joining in. Check out chat some times yeah its slow but we spark up on occasions and still have a good time. I also like the profesional aspects as well. If it was not for people like Occecid, Ledirlo, thbeghin, Splodge, Showcase, DoctorWu and jerry717 these guys taught me what I know today, (thats a good thing by the way

) Ok along the way I got some lumps and bumps and some stirring along with those lessons, and I agree the site is less boys club than it use to be, but the heart is still intact for what PSC means to a lot of people Im sure of it.
So Raptor when you say
"I don't know for sure. What I do know is that I miss the socially dynamic atmosphere around here that these old members used to bring to the table. Cracking jokes, making people laugh with insanely funny posts." As Raptor I dont see how so come clean and fess up on who you really are you just may get a surprise on how things can still be the same around here.
Raptor wrote:
It seems now, the default excuse for censoring everything is the popular "this is a family site" excuse. But in all honesty, in the years I've been here, I've seen perhaps 1 or 2 people who were minors and even they were over 15 years old and able to handle it.
Its not only the members, of which I know at least 8 who are under or on the age of 15, its also the fact that a lot of us let our kids share our passion of PSC, both my kids come here and enjoy the art, my daughter has an account and has entered a few contests. I like that and was prepared to have my beloved chat compromised. (We should have kept advantage chat...just saying is all..K

) My son shows his friends the images he likes and I dont have to worry about cyber-creeps and rated R stuff, the swearing he hears from me...what Im an ex sailor K
Wow this is the first soapbox post, from me for 2010..