Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Ask the Experts - Scratch Drive - Reply to topic
Location: pfft..
Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:03 pm Reply with quote
I know we went into this a bit in another thread here, but this is a different question.
My iMak has a 500 gig drive.
Would it be a good move to partition part of my main drive for a scratch disk, say 80 or 100 gigs
1, I dont have another drive to go in it,
2 I dont know if it can even hold 2 drives..
Im not real sure of the idea of an external scratch, sounds too unreliable.
Whats your thoughts on this?
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Location: pfft..
Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:44 pm Reply with quote
OOps, I posted this in the wrong section, please movie it to ask the experts.
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Location: In a world of $#!t
Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:06 pm Reply with quote
Yes, That is fine. Partition it. 100G for Scratch is great.
Make sure you go into PS preferences and assign it to PS.
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: Australia
Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:20 pm Reply with quote
ReyRey wrote: Yes, That is fine. Partition it. 100G for Scratch is great.
Make sure you go into PS preferences and assign it to PS.
100gb? Really?
I work with big files too, (ok they don't look as good as yours :-p but I print large pictures.) but even if the file is around 700 to 800mb, i've never had a scratch disk anywhere near 100gb.
It was always around 1gb, just now I've bought a new comp with a large hd so i've moved my scratch disk to 10gb. The largest I've ever caught PS using is around 1.4~1.6 gb.
How big are your psds on average Rey?
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Sun Feb 07, 2010 7:15 pm Reply with quote
I smell BullPoop here
I think Rey is just doing the old "MY thing is BIGGER than YOUR thing, cause what I use it for NEEDS a BIGGER thing" thing. 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: In a world of $#!t
Sun Feb 07, 2010 7:47 pm Reply with quote
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: In a world of $#!t
Sun Feb 07, 2010 7:52 pm Reply with quote
I'm used to having 15 large images open at the same time plus illustrator, indesign, email, etc. Most people don't use that much.
My scratch at work is 300 GB. On my laptop I have 100GB.
Maybe this will be more help.
If you make a 20GB and it crashes,, then it's too small. 
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: pfft..
Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:09 pm Reply with quote
well I knew i wouldn't use that much lol, im not a pro (inserts a hopeful yet in there:lol:)
I did some reading, ran that test file diglloydPhotoshopBenchmarks while I was doing other things..
what i ended up setting to was 60 gigs.. I do work on some big projects for personal things.. as i progress, they are getting larger and larger too.
Since i can adjust my partition size on the fly, its no big deal to adjust as I find a need. That was some darn good readin dar Rey.
thanks for the info.
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Location: pfft..
Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:10 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for moving the thread reindude.. your not that bad no matter what I say about you.
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Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:15 pm Reply with quote
SCWIDVICIOUS wrote: Thanks for moving the thread reindude.. your not that bad no matter what I say about you.
I'm not that GOOD either! 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Michi-gan
Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:36 pm Reply with quote
I think my drive is scratched too......... Uh......wait!  What the hell is this thread about? 
Location: pfft..
Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:44 pm Reply with quote
JORDAN792 wrote: I think my drive is scratched too......... Uh......wait!  What the hell is this thread about? 
my photoshop had an itch.. 
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