Thanks again to all for the feedback. I think BadCop is right, that a lot of it is relative to where you live and how conditioned you are by the weather there to tolerate various temperatures.
yello_piggy wrote:
Chopper wrote:
Thanks Vokaris regarding spelling changes and info on Europe not being the only country.
guess you know it already, but europe is not a single country

Yes, I've been to England as well as main land Europe (France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, and Spain). I typed the article at work in less than 10 minutes and wasn't paying close attention to every word. I should have said either "place" or pluralized it as European countries.
badcop wrote:
Chopper wrote:
I just wrote this article and need some feedback.
Europeans or any countries where Celsius is the standard measurement of temperature, please let me know if I have this right.
I guess you didn't know at the time that your direct neighbors - Canada and Mexico - used Metric?
You know, that's weird. I've been to Mexico over 10 times now, so I did know that, but it didn't cross my mind as I was writing the article. I was thinking in terms of Europe for some reason. I think maybe because I got the idea to write the article after reading L@rue's post about the weather in the chatroom and I know he's European.
vokaris wrote:
"read ... readings" doesn't read very well
"us Americans" implies that only people living in the USA will be reading your page
"our neighbors from countries that read Celsius" might as well be replaced with "the rest of the world"
Excellent suggestions. Thanks Vokaris!